public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags firefox & administration

November 2007

Eevee - PC in a browser

Eevee is remote admin and file transfer tool for your windows box. Eevee does not require installing additional software on the client computer, instead Eevee exports your desktop to a clickable image, visible in your web browser. Eevee works with both Firefox and IE web browsers.

May 2007

October 2006 - Firefox Tweak Guide

by 18 others
Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox for short, is just a free Internet browser.

Geek to Live: Top Firefox 2 config tweaks - Lifehacker

by 3 others
In honor of the Firefox 2.0 release yesterday, today we'll dive deep into the bowels of the fox's config with a handful of my favorite Firefox 2 (and older) tweaks.