public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags howto & freeware

November 2006

CyberNotes: Monitor File And Registry Changes When Installing Applications - CyberNet News: Hardware, Downloads, Gadgets...Technology Done Right!

Many times I am skeptical about installing new applications because I don’t know what they will end up doing to my computer. You just never know what the result is going to be but if you don’t try out new applications then you could be missing out on some great tools. When I install certain applications I want to know everything that went on during the installation process. That way if I choose to uninstall the program later I’ll know exactly what it had created or modified. To do the monitoring I use InCtrl5 which is a small freeware program.

August 2006

Issues | Free Software Magazine

Free Software Magazine is the only magazine worldwide that is dedicated to the promotion of free software as a whole. We publish high quality articles that are free to read and download. We review free software related books. Our aims are: * to promote free software and its use; and * to educate the global community in the use of free software. Download the whole issues of Free Software Magazine as PDF file

January 2006

Linux Plus-Value - Exlorez la plus-value de Linux

Notions Programmation Système Multimédia Console Distribution X Window OooConv Les logiciels Réseau Kernel Linux Gestion du matériel Pratique Sécurité

December 2005

Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by 1 other (via)
Voiçi une Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB 2.0 que vous pourrez organiser à votre guise avec le Lançeur de Programme "PStart.exe". Regardez bien le Dossier "AIO" où vous aurez quelques surprises. Faute de temps,Je n'ai testé que 90% des Programmes. Donc si vous trouvez des programmes qui ne fonctionnent pas, prière de me signaler pour des tests approfondis et corrections. Vous verrez que certains programmes comme "SILENT NIGHT MICRO BURNER 4.0.6 Multilangues" qui ne fait que 1,14 Mo, fait 75% de ce que fait "Nero". Vous pouvez mettre ce "Pack" sur Clé USB 2.0, Disque Externe USB 2.0 ou éventuellement dans un Répertoire de votre Disque Interne.