public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags javascript & webmasters

October 2007

bienvenue - Ressources Mediabox - Wiki

by 4 others
Les tutoriaux sont des articles complets pour faciliter l’apprentissage. * Adobe Flash & ActionScript * Adobe Flex * Adobe AIR * Adobe PAO * Adobe Director * Adobe Dreamweaver et XHTML / CSS * PHP * ASP * Haxe * Red5 * Java * Javascript

July 2007

A List Apart: Articles: Conflicting Absolute Positions

by 4 others
On two separate occasions this month, I’ve been required to produce a layout in which a fixed-width scrolling side “pane” and flexible scrolling main “pane” must resize to fill all available space in a browser window. As a CSS purist, I’ve always tried to avoid such dynamic layouts, but sometimes they’re required. When they are, I like to have a good old grumble about the fact that I’ve resorted to using JavaScript for my layouts.

November 2006 - web 2.0 javascript

by 199 others provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly. What's inside? animation framework, drag and drop, Ajax controls DOM utilities, and unit testing. It's an add-on to the fantastic Prototype framework.

October 2006 Free RSS/RDF to JavaScript Conversion Tool for Webmasters

by 15 others
Would you like to easily add them to your web-site to create sticky content thats always updated? Then you've come to the right place, was designed to easily convert any valid RSS, RDF or ATOM feed into easy to implement Javascript. No XML or programming expierence is necessary. Use our 100% free tool to easily insert dynamically updated RSS, RDF and ATOM feeds into any web page, blog or content management system.