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PUBLIC MARKS from clarity with tags beauty & "sensitive skin"

01 April 2015 06:00

What is skin aging and how sun exposure plays a part in it?

Do you understand why does your skin becomes tanned with your increasing years and loses its shine, then your answer is excessive exposure to sun, because even a few minutes under sun can cause your skin to age prematurely and gradually results are highly recognizable. In dermatology, premature skin aging through sun is known as "PHOTO AGING". Those who have fair skin are more vulnerable to severe damage, than dark skinned individuals, but it does not mean that dark skinned people are exempt from the negative effects of the sun! Scientific researches dictate that with repeated exposure to sun, the skin loses its repair itself efficiently. The symptoms of photoaging are- *Deep course wrinkles. *Discolouration. *Dryness. *Sagging skin. *dilated or broken blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. For more information please go through the link.

17 March 2015 05:00

What is a Healthy Skin Diet ?

Your diet is no. 1. For a healthy skin, you must eat healthy. A healthy skin diet is most impotent to fight against rosacea/acne. Diet controls the shape and state of our bodies, minds and skin. Chantal Ward, RN and Medical Aesthetic Expert, encourages those with sensitive skin to consider a “Rosacea Diet”, the best diet for someone with Rosacea or any other inflammatory condition, as it typically an alkaline diet. Here is a must read article by claritymedspa for a healthy skin Diet.

10 March 2015 12:00

Where do wrinkles and folds come from?

As we grow older our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic and skin's capability to protect itself also reduces with the process of aging and a fold or ridge gives your face a wrinkled expression which is know are wrinkles and fold. Some other reasons can be smoking, genetic factor, exposure to ultra-violet rays and lighter skin etc.Sun damage, smoking, dehydration, some medications, as well as a number of other factors may also cause wrinkles to develop.

Non surgical Anti Ageing Treatments in Canada

Clarity medspa is health and beauty centre which is situated at Toronto , Ontario. It was created with the purpose of providing various services to customers like hair removal, tattoo removal , botox , skincare treatment and other body treatments. Owner of clarity medspa, Ms Chantal Ward, who is a aesthetic nurse and clinical trainer too fills hers clinic with ultramodern machines and techniques to provide body and beauty treatment to men and women of every age. Various face treatments provided by clarity medspa are- *Fraxel. -Botox. *WISHPro. *Exillis Elite. *Photo Facial. *Ulthera. *Acne laser facial & Pore purification. *Microdermabrasion. *Thermage. *SILK PEEL etc. Varios body trreatments provided by clarity medspa are- *Laser hair removal. *Vanquish. *Tattx tattoo removal. *Leg Vein treatment. *Cellulite treatment. *Exillis body shaping. To know more please visit our site.