29 July 2009 05:45
The Sims 2 - Windows Vista Support
* XP
* anything
* athlon 64
* compatability
* computer
* device
* device manager
* ea
* english
* exclamation marks
* exclamation points
* free
* GeForce
* geforce 6150 le
* geforce cards
* hardware
* Help
* Highlight
* microsoft
* Microsoft Vista
* Microsoft Windows
* networking
* nVidia
* nvidia geforce 6150
* nvidia geforce 6150 le
* ram
* Sims
* sims 2
* software
* Sound
* Sound Drivers
* SP2
* spyware
* stuttering
* support
* system
* system specs
* tech
* Technology Internet
* The Sims 2
* thesims2
* Vista
* vista system
* Windows
* Windows Vista
* Windows Vista Support
* x2 3800
(1 marks)