public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dcancel with tags web & proxy

10 February 2006 02:45


by 1 other
Perlbal is our Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server. Perlbal is a single-threaded event-based server supporting HTTP load balancing, web serving, and a mix of the two (see below).

dcancel's TAGS related to tag web

ajax +   analytics +   automation +   blog +   bugtracker +   business +   caching +   captcha +   django +   ecommerce +   email +   files +   framework +   gateway +   html +   http +   issuetracker +   javascript +   kde +   library +   links +   load +   markdown +   mashup +   mozilla +   opensource +   patterns +   payment +   perl +   portal +   programming +   proxy +   python +   regex +   rss +   screenscraping +   screenshot +   server +   software +   storage +   technology +   testing +   tutorial +   unittesting +   web2.0 +   wiki +   xml +