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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag Waterfox

December 2018

XPI - firefox - Install Firebug Extension Manually - Stack Overflow (I used this solution to install manually ThumbnaiZoom)

To install Firebug manually : There are two ways to run extensions manually: 1. Extract the XPI : Download the XPI file that contains the extension Locate the 'extensions' folder within your profile (e.g. via Firefox menu > Help > Troubleshooting Information > Show Folder) Create a new folder within the 'extensions' folder and call it like the add-on's id (for Firebug this is Extract the XPI into that folder 2. Get the sources from the git repository: A detailed description for how to do that can be found on the development setup description on the Firebug wiki. It's similar to the description above with the addition that you'll be able to always get the latest sources. Two notes: - The folder name must be the same as the addon's ID (look in install.rdf of the addon) In your case it's not firebug-2.0b1 , but - The directory where the addon should be placed is not where the Firefox itself is installed, but into your Firefox's profile. By default it's in %APPDATA%MozillaFirefoxProfilesXXXXXextensions (where XXXXX is name of your profile folder. More info about profiles you can find here)

July 2018

ADDON - MyBrowserAddon - Community for Open-source Projects ::

MyBrowserAddon is a community for open-source projects. It houses the documentation, tutorial, code related to open-source projects and is dedicated to developers who are interested in learning about and contributing to these projects. Here, you can explore different ways we serve the open-source community and also help us to make these open-source projects even more awesome! Open-source development promotes not only innovation but also accelerates progress in all aspects of software development. Currently we are focused on supporting non-commercial browser-based projects (addon, plug-in) within communities. But, in future we will branch-out to other areas including health and education!

April 2018

WATERFOX - ABOUT:CONFIG - To disable Stylo in Waterfox 56.1.0- Do not forget to enable Stylo(Quantum CSS).... : waterfox

If you have prolem, you can test that: To disable Stylo in Waterfox 56.1.0: >about:config >SEARCH : layout.css.servo. > CHANGE layout.css.servo.enabled TO false – then either (a) reload any page that may be bugged by Stylo in 56.1.0; or (b) restart Waterfox.

FIR - SECURITY + PRIVACY - Firefox Configuration Guide for Privacy Freaks and Performance Buffs |

There is a huge selection of Firefox add-ons for tweaking privacy and security, some of the most popular of which are Adblock Plus and it’s many derivatives, NoScript, Flashblock, Ghostery, Web of Trust, BetterPrivacy, Lightbeam, Disconnect, Self-Destructing Cookies, Cookies Manager+, Request Policy, Policeman, Bluhell Firewall, RefControl, Smart Referer, HTTPS Everywhere and many, many others. With some possible exceptions, we won’t be using any of these, yet will retain much of the most important functionality offered by most of them with just a few add-ons, along with a plethora of changes to our Firefox configuration.

December 2017

FIR - ADDON - ProfileSwitcher (not working for FIR 57) - Work in Waterfox

This extension makes easier to use more profiles in Firefox and Thunderbird. This extension will not be compatible with Firefox versions > 52, due to the changes decided by Mozilla in extensions support with Firefox. Alternative : In firefox 57 or quantum you open a new tab, write about:profiles and manages your profile

October 2017

FIR - ConfigFox - Utility to manage Firefox advanced, hidden setting

ConfigFox is an utility to manage Firefox advanced, hidden settings and tweaks, mostly concerning security and privacy. With ConfigFox you can manage multiple profiles independently. It is compatible with all Firefox builds: Waterfox, Palemoon, Tor, Portable, etc... If you don't have Firefox installed in your computer you will be prompted to select your custom Firefox path (executable). Features - Quickly create and customize Firefox profiles. - Easily enable/disable settings with one click. - Quickly search Config entries. - Get updates for Config collection. - Backup, Defrag and Vacuum profiles for a faster performance. - View profile information. - Search online for Config strings information.

WATERFOX - Waterfox Download Archive

Need to revert v.54 to have Stylish Editor2 working....????

FIREFOX 50 > / WATERFOX - Firebug is not working with Firefox version 50.0 - Stack Overflow

You may be able to reenable Firebug by setting the preferences: - Go to the about:config (type in url bar) - Find xpinstall.signatures.required (set to false) - Find browser.tabs.remote.autostart (set all to false: browser.tabs.remote.autostart.1 and browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2) I'm using Firefox for development, and both Firebug and Firefox development tools, for different purposes (Firebug for DOM and CSS manipulation, which is superior, and Firefox Tools for Console and NET panel, which are cleaner).

May 2017

USERSTYLES - srazzano - Stylish² ( ex. S.E.M.) Editor addon

Stylish Add-on with various tweaks to accommodate Stylish Custom² and Stylish Editor² add-ons.