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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag chrome


🛠 ❀ ONLINE - FUN / PLAY - Chrome Experiments | Experiments with Google (Work principaly with Chrome)

Chrome Experiments est une vitrine du travail de codeurs qui repoussent les limites de la technologie Web, créant de belles expériences Web uniques. Vous trouverez des liens utiles dans tout le site pour créer vos propres expériences, et vous pouvez également explorer des ressources comme WebGL Globe et notre atelier d'outils.

ARNAQUE - Evil cursor - Google annonce la présence d'une faille critique dans Chrome - Truc: Ctrl et F4 sur Windows, ou Commande et W sur Mac, pour fermer l'onglet en cours.

Google a corrigĂ© cette faille dans Chrome Canary, une version expĂ©rimentale du navigateur rĂ©servĂ©e aux dĂ©veloppeurs. Il faudra ensuite attendre que le code soit intĂ©grĂ© dans une version bĂȘta avant d'arriver Ă  la version grand public. En attendant, les victimes de cette faille peuvent appuyer simultanĂ©ment sur les touches Ctrl et F4 sur Windows, ou Commande et W sur Mac, pour fermer l'onglet en cours.

🛠 CHROME - LOADED from FIREFOX ADDON - Linkify Plus Plus

This extension can be installed on Chrome. However, it is not hosted on Chrome Webstore. You have to download the source code and load the extension as an unpacked extension. Download and extract the ZIP file. Navigate to chrome://extensions/. Enable "Developer mode". Click "LOAD UNPACKED" button and select the extension folder that is previously extracted. Other explanation:

3D - SculptGL (sculpter directement dans Firefox ou Chrome avec Web version))

SculptGL is a digital sculpting web app, with sources available on github. Also available on the chrome web store. If you want to download a standalone version, you can download it here (identical as the web version). Sketchfab made a fork of the old SculptGL version with a new design : Sculptfab.


DESSINER - Chrome Canvas: A Web App For Drawing On Your Chromebook From Google

it is available to anyone interested at That’s the beauty of the web. No app store, no OS limitations. This simple and effective app is right there on the web and can be tied to your Google account for saving files. Just hit up that link and click your 3-dot menu and select ‘install Canvas.’

CHROME - PRIVACY - Chrome synchronisé en secret par Google - chrome://flags/#account-consistency

Dans cette affaire, c'est Chrome Sync qui est en cause. Cette fonctionnalitĂ© permet de connecter automatiquement Ă  Chrome les utilisateurs qui se connectent Ă  un site de Google. En thĂ©orie, Sync a un intĂ©rĂȘt : sauvegarder ou tĂ©lĂ©charger des mots de passe, des historiques de navigation ou des signets entre les serveurs de Google et les donnĂ©es stockĂ©es en local. Maintenant, cette synchronisation se fait automatiquement dans le navigateur. Il est difficile – voire impossible – de naviguer sur Internet sans que des donnĂ©es soient envoyĂ©es vers les serveurs de Google. Pour Ă©viter d'ĂȘtre suivi Ă  la trace, il est nĂ©cessaire de dĂ©sactiver le paramĂštre Account Consistency de son compte Chrome. Par dĂ©faut, l'option est activĂ©e, avec tous les problĂšmes d'identification et de respect de la vie privĂ©e que cela entraĂźne.

ADDON - MyBrowserAddon - Community for Open-source Projects ::

MyBrowserAddon is a community for open-source projects. It houses the documentation, tutorial, code related to open-source projects and is dedicated to developers who are interested in learning about and contributing to these projects. Here, you can explore different ways we serve the open-source community and also help us to make these open-source projects even more awesome! Open-source development promotes not only innovation but also accelerates progress in all aspects of software development. Currently we are focused on supporting non-commercial browser-based projects (addon, plug-in) within communities. But, in future we will branch-out to other areas including health and education!


DEV - CHROM - 2015 - Six Tips for Chrome DevTools | CSS-Tricks

This post will cover six popular tips for Chrome DevTools. You may have seen some of these before, but hopefully if you have they'll act as a refresher for what you can do during your Inspect Element journey.


CHROME - ADDON - OCR - Project Naptha

by 2 others (via)
Project Naptha automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web. The result is a seamless and intuitive experience, where you can highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and translate the text formerly trapped within an image.



A group of developers working towards a client-side solution for delivering alternate image data based on device capabilities to prevent wasted bandwidth and optimize display for both screen and print.


ThĂšme 23 : les meilleurs extensions pour Google Chrome - Freewares&Tutos

Tous les articles présentant les meilleures extensions (mais aussi les astuces) pour le navigateur Google Chrome qui ont été publiées sur Freewares&Tutos Je tacherai de le mettre à jour avec les futures publications à ce sujet.

X-notifier (for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, ...) - aternative a "WebMail Notifier de firefox" - Chrome Web Store

X-notifier(aka MuNo) checks your webmail accounts and notifies the number of unread emails. X-notifier is WebMail Notifier( for Chrome. Many features in Firefox version are not implemented yet. Features - mail notification (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, Daum, Naver, Nate, Paran) - support userscript for other webmails - support multiple Google Accounts - account switching - auto login


BIB - ExFM – (Extension Chrome) - La plus grande librairie musicale gratuite - Korben

ExFM est une extension pour Chrome qui ajoute automatiquement dans votre bibliothĂšque, tous les MP3 que vous croisez pendant vos surfs quotidiens. De quoi vous constituer une large sĂ©lection de chansons gratuitement en toute lĂ©galitĂ© (ou pas).ExFM propose aussi un player intĂ©grĂ© pour lire les MP3 directement sans avoir Ă  les tĂ©lĂ©charger ou Ă  jouer au copier/coller avec VLC.Vous n’hĂ©bergez rien et tout est streamĂ© depuis le net. Vous pouvez ainsi noter les chansons et les partager avec vos amis.

Google Chrome - Chrome Privacy Guard (CPG) (ex Chrome Anonymizer) - Le lait en carton

La technique automatique Un développeur qui ne veut que votre bien a créé un petit soft donc le but est de virer cet identifiant. Chrome Privacy Guard : Petit outil qui oblige Chrome, à rejeter cette identité, et donc à obtenir un nouveau code d'identification

Use Greasemonkey Scripts In Google Chrome - But, there are some limitations as well (as with Opera — which also supports some greasemonkey scripts) - Chrome does not support @exclude, @require, @resource, unsafeWindow, or any of the special GM_* APIs.

Well, here is how to run userscripts in chrome : * Add this flag to Google Chrome launcher : --enable-user-scripts - Now, create a folder in your user data directory. Name it as User Scripts. - Save your all GM scripts in this folder. - If you want to import all userscripts from Firefox — you need to do it manually. We have shown you the way to backup your Greasemonkey scripts. Just navigate to your GM script folder in Firefox data directory as describe in this post. Now, you can copy and paste every script’s file manuallyAnd, you are done! Restart the chrome — and visit any related site. It is quite possible that your favorite GM Script will do the magic. - Important fact : Chrome supports “Early Injection” – the ability to run scripts very early in the page’s lifecycle. In Firefox, userscripts run after page load. But in chrome, you can set it to run before page load. For this, you need to add an extra line in scripts meta data section : // @run-at document-start

unsafeWindow - Injecting JS functions into the page from a Greasemonkey script on Chrome - Stack Overflow

I have a Greasemonkey script that works just fine in Firefox and Opera. I struggle with getting it to work in Chrome, however. The problem is injecting a function into the page that can be invoked by code from the page. Here's what I'm doing so far: First, I get a helper reference to the unsafeWindow for Firefox. This allows me to have the same code for FF and Opera (and Chrome, I thought).

Greasemonkey comes to Chrome - get your userscripts ready!

Chrome has a secret weapon. His name is Aaron Boodman, and he created Greasemonkey. He now works on the Chrome Extensions team at Google. Even though Greasemonkey on Chrome isn't yet as mature as the Firefox version -- 15-25% of scripts might not work on Chrome yet -- it will definitely get there with Boodman's help. If you need some scripts to get you started, you can scope out Download Squad's 10 Greasemonkey Scripts You Shouldn't Browse Without, or peruse the large selection at