amf | blog » Flickr group admin hack - a javascript that changes the url of the promote button
Do you know how to interact through all the HTML a tags of the document.body and replace the text in each href attribute using javascrit? No? So this page is not for you. Use it at your own risk. It's basicaly a javascript that changes the url of the promote button so you can click no a user on members tab and that user go to moderators tab instead of admins tab.
Trailr - Save lot of your time On Flickr - Assembla
Trailr enables you to save lot of your time. Please forget the word copy&past because soon you won't need it anymore. Have a flickr experience like it should be: without all of those effort for copying, pasting, managing of those invitation, award or comment code snippets. With Trailr, that will become as easy as batting your eyes.
warn+delete GreasmonkeyScript By Schmickr:
warn+delete : Send messages to group members and optionally eject or ban them at the same time. This script is a modified version of Steeev's famous script. My version lets you save messages with a label to make it easier to identify saved messages. It also has less aggressive defaults.
Flickr: GM Script: Groups Organiser - Tag your groups and quit groups more easily - Flickr Hacks
Flickr Groups Organiser to help organise your groups. Heres a couple of screenshots:
Flickr Groups Organiser - GM Script - Lets you tag your groups on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Flickr Groups Organiser - GM Script - Lets you tag your groups * Original * Medium * Small * Thumbnail * Square Your full list of group tags. Clicking a tag, lists all the groups tagged with that tag. Your full list of group tags. Clicking a tag, lists al
More Group Navigation 0.3______Flickr: GM: - Flickr Hacks
Anyway, this is a GM script that will add more links under the group titles to: - Gustavog random photos - FlickrLeech - Your photos in that group - FD's pool cleaner if you are admin
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