March 2010
amf | blog ยป Flickr group admin hack - a javascript that changes the url of the promote button
Do you know how to interact through all the HTML a tags of the document.body and replace the text in each href attribute using javascrit? No? So this page is not for you. Use it at your own risk. It's basicaly a javascript that changes the url of the promote button so you can click no a user on members tab and that user go to moderators tab instead of admins tab.
January 2010
Trailr - Save lot of your time On Flickr - Assembla
Trailr enables you to save lot of your time. Please forget the word copy&past because soon you won't need it anymore. Have a flickr experience like it should be: without all of those effort for copying, pasting, managing of those invitation, award or comment code snippets. With Trailr, that will become as easy as batting your eyes.
October 2008
warn+delete GreasmonkeyScript By Schmickr:
warn+delete : Send messages to group members and optionally eject or ban them at the same time. This script is a modified version of Steeev's famous script. My version lets you save messages with a label to make it easier to identify saved messages. It also has less aggressive defaults.
(3 marks)