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JQUERY - API - .prop() | jQuery API Documentation

.prop() Categories: Attributes | Manipulation > General Attributes Get the value of a property for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more properties for every matched element. Contents: .prop( propertyName ) .prop( propertyName ) .prop( propertyName, value ) .prop( propertyName, value ) .prop( properties ) .prop( propertyName, function )

DEV - Web developer guides | MDN

Web developer guides. These articles provide how-to information to help you make use of specific technologies and APIs.

JSON - What is JSON? An Introduction and Guide for Beginners

in this JSON tutorial and guide, I’m attempting to provide a fairly comprehensive discussion of JSON, its history, and its usefulness. I’ll close with a list of some practical JSON tools that might come in handy in future projects. JSON Defined JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it’s a data format. That is, it’s a way to hold bits of information, similar to a database. Although JSON originated outside the ECMAScript specification, it is now closely related to JavaScript with the spec now including a JSON object and many developers incorporating it as a quasi-subset of the language.

jQUERY - JAVASCRIPT - jQuery udraggable Plugin

jquery.udraggable.js This plugin provides an API similar to jQueryUI's draggable but with support for unified mouse and touch events. It builds on Michael S. Mikowski's jquery.event.ue unified event plugin.


DEV -Code Examples - Google Charts — Google Developers

Here are some code samples to demonstrate using the Google Visualization API. Table Example Customized Table Example Gauge Example Interaction Example Full HTML Page Example Query Wrapper Example Table Query Wrapper Example Mouseover Tool Tip Example

JAVASCRIPT - SWFObject - La Documentation

SWFOjbect 2 : Fournit 2 méthodes optimisées pour afficher le Player Flash, une approche par balise et une méthode utilisant le JavaScript._ Fournit une API JavaScript contenant un panel complet d’outils, pour afficher des fichiers SWF et récupérer les informations du Player Flash. _ Utilise seulement un petit fichier JavaScript (10Kb / GZIPed : 3.9 Kb ). Successeur de SWFObject 1.5, UFO et Adobe Flash Player Detection Kit. _ Créé pour regrouper toutes les méthodes d’affichage du Player Flash et fournir un nouveau standard pour embarquer le contenu Adobe Flash Player.

JAVASCRIPT - SWFObject - api - swfobject - SWFObject JavaScript API documentation - SWFObject is an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content, which utilizes one small JavaScript file - Google Project Hosting

SWFObject JavaScript API documentation_ SWFObject 2 contains an API that allows JavaScript developers to reuse SWFObject's internal functions and aims to deliver a complete tool set for publishing SWF's and retrieving Flash player related information.


Google Maps Javascript API V3 Reference - Google Maps JavaScript API v3 — Google Developers

google.maps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType object specification Possible values for feature types. Specify these values as strings, i.e. 'administrative' or 'poi.park'. Stylers applied to a parent feature type automatically apply to all child feature types. Note however that parent features may include some additional features that are not included in one of their child feature types.