public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags lecture & rechercher


BIB - CultureWok - Moteur de recherche Sensitif : Petit utilitaire de Voyage pour mémoriser vos itinéraires culturels ou en proposer de nouveaux

"Solution pour guider nos publics : Une interfaces comme celle du Wok (voir l’exemple d’Orthez ) avec ses critères « sensitifs » et de genres. Solution partielle, l’outil ne permettant de répondre à des demandes précises."


BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Amazon , Google Books , Wikipedia : Exemple d'améloration du Catalogue en ligne d'une Bibliothèque - San Francisco Bay Area Libraries - Books lookup on all sites for Greasemonkey

Display the availability of books in San Francisco Bay Area libraries on all sites Version: 3.8 TWEAK NOTE: - Various options and supported libraries can be configured by Greasemonkey's menu. - Added real algorithmic validation for ISBN-10 and ISBN-13Bumped up zIndex - Fixed oversight when partial results weren't return in case of error - Google books works better now - Added additional pattern to match on page - Fixed Alternate ISBN lookup for ISBN-13Lookup alternate ISBNs via xISBN web service - Link individual librarys on book page - Added toggle menu - Added Mending status

BIB - Exemple de recherche liée entre Amazon zt Catalogue en Ligne d'une Bibliothèque (Pas Seulement avec l'ISBN) - Amazon Washington County Public Library Linky for Greasemonkey

v1.1 Search the Washington County Public Library Catalog from Amazon and Google book listings. This script is no longer ISBN specific and uses a lookup to check if the library has any version of the book. Original source Written by Nick Baker, Reference and Web Services Librarian; adapted for wccls by Rudi Pittman. If the book is not found a link will be provided to the Interlibrary Loan form where you can request the library get a copy. V1.1 created on 10/28/2010 to handle Amazon Changes.

BIB - Greasemonkey Script) - Exemple - Is this Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powell's, or Netflix item (book, CD, DVD) available from the Atlanta-Fulton County Georgia Library System? - Atlanta-Fulton County Georgia Library System for Greasemonkey

Determines if an Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powell's, or Netflix item (book, CD, or DVD) is among the holdings of the Atlanta-Fulton County Georgia Library System. When the user navigates to an item, the user script locates, if present, the ISBN-13, the ISBN-10, the title, the author(s), the actor(s), and the director(s) on the page. It then searches the library by ISBN-13 and ISBN-10, by title and each author, by title and each actor, and by title and each director. If a search returns at least one result, a "smile" icon appears above the product image. If the user clicks on the "smile" icon, the browser navigates to the library search result(s) for the item. If no search returns any result, a "frown" icon appears above the product image.

BIB - Greasemonkey Script) - Exemple de liens entre Un service de liste de lecture - GoodReads) et le catalogue en ligne d'une Bibliothèque - Toronto Public Libary status from Goodreads book details for Greasemonkey

Inserts link on Goodreads book pages to check status at Toronto Public Library in a popup. Based on the page so it may break. When you visit a book's details page on goodreads, it searches the Toronto public library's holdings via the book's isbn13 number in advanced search. If there's a hit, it allows you to pull up listings via a clickable link for a popup.