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❤️ 🛠 BOKMARKLETS - ImgOps > Image Bookmarklets / Firefox Addon

Useful bookmarklet apps for online photos. But seems not working... You can use (FireFox) which provide this tool too and many other - Fully Customisable: Image Search Options ImgOps : Our main bookmarklet app for image operations. Each operation is a free and instant online image app; no account required. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Choose from the list of images on that page; Choose a utility. The web utilities listed will include free online image editors, GIF editors, instant online photo hosting, Instagram-like filters, photo forensic tools, EXIF data, and several ways to search the web for information about an image. Enable Save: A bookmarklet app to help you save images or text. It disables all click-blockers on a web page so you can use the context menu, save images, or copy text. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Right-click on an image, or select text on the page; Copy or save. This handy tool is more powerful than similar click-enablers which enable right-click. It work on all frames and it disables all click handlers on all page elements. It might cause some web pages to stop working as expected, but reloading the effected page will return it to normal.


DESSINER - Chrome Canvas: A Web App For Drawing On Your Chromebook From Google

it is available to anyone interested at That’s the beauty of the web. No app store, no OS limitations. This simple and effective app is right there on the web and can be tied to your Google account for saving files. Just hit up that link and click your 3-dot menu and select ‘install Canvas.’


Picozu : Un clone de Photoshop 100% en ligne | Korben

Service 100% en ligne qui permet de faire l'essentiel en terme de retouche photo, gratuit et fonctionne comme un petit Photoshop ou Une palette d'outils, des options dans tous les sens et surtout la possibilité de travailler avec des calques et d'appliquer des tonnes d'effets en tous genre. Picozu peut aussi fonctionner avec des plugins pour Chrome et Firefox , mais surtout, Picozu propose des connecteurs avec d'autres services web comme Google Drive ou Dropbox.


BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - Améliorer le statut d'un livre dans le catalogue en Ligne d'une Bibliothèque) - Group LAPL Holds by status for Greasemonkey

Groups Los Angeles Public Library ( holds (requests) by status: Ready for Pickup, In Transit, or Pending. Instead of just listing the holds by status, this userscript groups them by status. For holds that are Ready for Pickup it shows for each pickup date: * The number of days you have left to pick up your holds. Remember that "a $1.00 fee will be charged if an item placed on hold is not canceled or picked up by the "Hold Until" date." * The day of the week when the holds are due to be picked up * The pickup date * and the number of items to be picked up by that date. This is then followed by the items due to be picked up sorted by title. For holds that are Pending I list the items by the ratio of available # of copies to queue position. This gives you some idea of the order in which your holds will be available. If the ratio is above 1.00 you can expect the hold to be available "soon" (within 3 weeks).

BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - Relier le catalogue en ligne d'une bibliothèque et des services comme Amazon ( US, Canada, France Germany and Japan, not UK) - Amazon TorPLib Linky for Greasemonkey

Customized Carrick Mundell’s LibraryLookup Greasemonkey script for the Seattle Public Library) to do the same for the Toronto Public Library. What’s it do? On any book listing page, the script inserts a hyper-link below the book title which, when clicked, will search for the book in the Toronto Public Library catalog. the Library Search Url and Library Name are now separate variables to make it a little easier to customized for other Library Systems. It does not work for the UK site. Why? Because the UK does not use the same class element names to give it a place to insert the html rewrite link. In fact, it only uses 2 class names on the whole item page. The Style Sheet and classes are there, they just don’t use them. Weird. This particular madness was kickoff by John Udell who started the LibraryLookup Project ( in 2002 (with bookmarklet’s). Many Thanks.

BIB - Exemple de Bookmarklet et de Script Greasemonkey pour relier le catalogue en ligne d'une bibliothèque et des services comme Amazon - eBranch::Catalog Search Tools - Amazon Lookup

Catalog Bookmarklet Works with Internet Explorer or Firefox. Simply drag this LCLS Book Lookup to your Links bar in Internet Explorer or your Bookmarks Toolbar in Firefox. When ever you are on a Barnes & Noble or Amazon page with 10 digit ISBN numbers just click on the LCLS Book Lookup and it will search the Lycoming County Library System Catalog. For best results use the Amazon LCLS Lookup below. Adding a bookmarklet: Internet Explorer Instructions | Instructions for Firefox and Internet Explorer Amazon LCLS Lookup : Do you use® to locate books? Wish you could easily find out if the Library owns a book you have found? Now you can! : Our Amazon LCLS Lookup tool displays information about the Library status of books you find in Amazon, right on the Amazon results page. Just click on the link on the Amazon page and you wil see if a title is available locally. The Lookup tool requires the Firefox web browser. Look for this yellow box on any Amazon results page

BIB - : Google/Amazon : Dissémination de ses collections (et seulement des siennes) avec script Greasemonkey

Mais une bibliothèque n’aurait-elle pas tout à gagner à oublier cet aspect-là, pour se concentrer sur la dissémination de ses collections (et seulement des siennes) ? Un service en 2 étapes Voici comment je vois les choses : * L’internaute cherche avant tout des ouvrages en cherchant sur Google. Donc il tombe sur Amazon. * Une fois sur Amazon, il faut lui fournir une information sur la disponibilité du titre dans sa (et non ses) bibliothèque. Hypothèse : vous êtes bibliothécaire et vous voulez mettre en avant ce service pour votre bibliothèque : 1. Après avoir installé Firefox et l’extension GreaseMonkey, vous allez sur 2. Vous sélectionnez votre bibliothèque (et pas une autre, et pas plusieurs) et vous modifiez le script.....

Video Search Engine (Work with Greasemonkey Videoembed) - Google Recherche Spécialisée

Marche trés bien avec : Videoembed, an userscript done to enhance pages by embedding videos after links, if any of the links are to videos on popular video sites : (glumbert, metacafe, google, yahoo, photobucket, youtube, myspace...(and many others) You will need Firefox and Greasemonkey to be able to use Videoembed. _________ Détails sur le moteur de recherche recherche sur les sites, notamment :, http://*, http://**,, http://*


OpenItOnline - Office Extension Firefox - Envois DOC, XLS, et les autres formats supportés, sur "ZohoViewer" pour ouverture Online

by 4 others
I don't do enough work with Office-type documents anymore to warrant installing a suite on my laptop. OpenItOnline lets me send DOC, XLS, and all the other supported file types to ZohoViewer for perusal instead of downloading them. It supports all Zoho and Google Docs apps to open files.

Projet Bespin - Mozilla Labs lance un éditeur de code online

Le projet Bespin rejoint les laboratoires de développement de la fondation Mozilla. Bespin est un éditeur de code open source avancé (sous licence MPL) comprenant toutes les fonctions habituellement présentes dans ce type d’outil: coloration syntaxique, gestion des projets, édition des fichiers de grande taille, etc. Bespin se différencie de ses concurrents par son mode de fonctionnement. De fait, il s’agit d’une application web. Cet outil sera donc particulièrement adapté aux applications en ligne, exécutées côté serveur ou côté client. Il met également l’accent sur l’aspect collaboratif.

Upside Down Text - Google Search

Type upside down - Text generator to create upside down text! Anything you write will become upside dow


Creating Applications with Mozilla

Guide pour créer des application avec Mozilla : très fournit

Extracts the most important sentences of a web page__add-on___Firefox add-on is available for Great Summary___g-hacks

Don’t have the time to read a long article on a web page? Then it might be worth to give the Great Summary service a try. The service extracts the most important sentences of a web page and provides them as a summary to the user. A Firefox add-on is available for Great Summary as well. It adds an entry to the right-click menu which sends the page to Great Summary. The service could be very interesting if the developers would improve the detection rate of the important parts of a web page further. They should also lay more emphasize on titles and lists because these usually contain important information. Still: There is not much to lose here. If you are desperately needing a summary you might want to give Great Summary a try.

Flickr4Word" __Permet insertion d'image de Flickr sous Word

Flickr4Wordest un addon qui va aller s'installer directement dans lapartie " insertion " sous Word et ainsi permettre, lors de la rédactiond'un document d'effectuer une recherche d'image directement sur Flickr pour autant que l'on soit connecté à internet.

S3Fox Organizer___Extension Firefox__An user friendly interface for Amazon's S3 (Simple Storage Service) .

by 6 others
Its interface is very much similar to the FTP interface that lists local folders in the left panel and S3 buckets/files/folders in the right panel. Files/folders can be moved from the local computer to Amazon's storage space and vice versa.

Mise à jour majeur de Prism et intègration à Firefox

Prism est un logiciel prototype Open Source multiplate-forme prototype permettant aux utilisateurs de séparer les applications web du navigateur et de les lancez directement du bureau. Prism fait partie d'une série d'expériences menées par le Mozilla

ImageData__The data: URI kitchen_crer icône 16×16 encodée en Base64

by 10 others
ImageData Une icône 16×16 encodée en Base64 représentant le moteur de recherche. The data: URI kitchen (en) est un outil très pratique pour générer les données à placer ici


Google Browser Sync___PLUS EN LIGNE_Synchronizes your browser settings – including bookmarks, history, persistent cookies, and saved passwords – across your computers.

by 18 others
It also allows you to restore open tabs and windows across different machines and browser sessions. Synchronize your browser settings across computers. Restore tabs and windows from your previous session. : moteur de recherche de document (.pdf .doc…) indexé sur le web

by 2 others
un moteur de recherche de document (.pdf .doc…) indexé sur le web. Le + : pouvoir prévisualiser le document dans le navigateur sans ouvrir d’application avec une rapidité etonnante. En Agrandissement l'image est un peu pixélisé...

AllPeers : using P2P technology to share files on a private network

by 20 others
Install AllPeers and start using P2P technology to share files on a private network with other friends running the extension...


Auto inline MP3 player Greasemonkey script - Lifehacker

A handy music player Greasemonkey script inserts a play button next to any MP3 file you happen upon on the web so you can listen before you download.

Gmail File Space____ extention firefox

by 20 others
utiliser votre espace Gmail (2Go) pour stocker vos fichiers. his extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2 GB) for file storage. It acts as a remote machine. You can transfer files between your hard drive and gmail. This is similar to "Gmail Drive"

2005 »

by 2 others
Il n'y a rien de plus insupportable que ces sites qui réclament une inscription gratuite pour vous laisser accéder à leur contenu. BugMeNot vous fournira le login/pass qui va bien... Marche surtout avec les sites anglophones.Bypass compulsory web regis