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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags photo & search


❤️ 🛠 BOKMARKLETS - ImgOps > Image Bookmarklets / Firefox Addon

Useful bookmarklet apps for online photos. But seems not working... You can use (FireFox) which provide this tool too and many other - Fully Customisable: Image Search Options ImgOps : Our main bookmarklet app for image operations. Each operation is a free and instant online image app; no account required. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Choose from the list of images on that page; Choose a utility. The web utilities listed will include free online image editors, GIF editors, instant online photo hosting, Instagram-like filters, photo forensic tools, EXIF data, and several ways to search the web for information about an image. Enable Save: A bookmarklet app to help you save images or text. It disables all click-blockers on a web page so you can use the context menu, save images, or copy text. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Right-click on an image, or select text on the page; Copy or save. This handy tool is more powerful than similar click-enablers which enable right-click. It work on all frames and it disables all click handlers on all page elements. It might cause some web pages to stop working as expected, but reloading the effected page will return it to normal.


ImgOps - Image Bookmarklets (reverse search etc...)

>>> "ImgOps" Bookmarklet: Our main bookmarklet app for image operations. Each operation is a free and instant online image app; no account required. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Choose from the list of images on that page; Choose a utility. The web utilities listed will include free online image editors, GIF editors, instant online photo hosting, Instagram-like filters, photo forensic tools, EXIF data, and several ways to search the web for information about an image. >>> "Enable Save" Bookmarklet: A bookmarklet app to help you save images or text. It disables all click-blockers on a web page so you can use the context menu, save images, or copy text. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Right-click on an image, or select text on the page; Copy or save. This handy tool is more powerful than similar click-enablers which enable right-click. It work on all frames and it disables all click handlers on all page elements. It might cause some web pages to stop working as expected, but reloading the effected page will return it to normal.


Identify your Wildflowers here - Wildflower Field Guide, North America (Identifiez vos Fleurs Sauvages aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique avec cet outil et Flickr)

You can chose some option : Color, Number of Petals.... And after this tool display an huge Thumbnail collection of flowers found in Flickr ..... See the Flickr's Pool : (Guide en ligne de fleurs sauvages indigènes domaine des plantes à fleurs (ou naturalisés) aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique. : Ceci n' est pas pour les plantes de jardin ou de plantes d'intérieur, ou des fruits, des graines, des feuilles)


Nexplore - Search in a visual fashion - On the Web, news, videos, images, blogs and podcasts.

by 2 others
The web-based service shows also related Wikipedia definitions for your searched keywords. Results can be displayed in three ways: summary, line, gallery, and can be shared on the Internet.

CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.

CoolFlick: As the developers put it, “CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.” Cooliris gives you a cinematic way to view the web and this mashup combines it with Flickr to give you a slick way to scroll through photo thumbnails. ReadWriteWeb’s Rick Turoczy has a good overview of this mashup. APIs used: Flickr. More at our CoolFlick profile.


FLICKR - online TOOL - Flickr Photo Owner Finder

Ever needed to find out who took a Flickr photo that you have saved? Type or paste the filename in the form and we'll find out who took it... Or Browse your computer for the photo,Or Enter photo filename (e.g. 563689836_ffcd4bb224_b.jpg) or url

Compfight___Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images.

by 7 others
Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images. Ni texte, ni nom d’auteur ou autre. La seule information disponible est la taille de la photo en passant la souris dessus.

Flickr Services: Flickr API: a list of photos matching some criteria.

Only photos visible to the calling user will be returned. To return private or semi-private photos, the caller must be authenticated with 'read' permissions, and have permission to view the photos. Unauthenticated calls will only return public photos.

CYDRAL - Le comparateur d'images_Rech par similarité_Visual search engine to browse images by content and keywords

Cydral est un outil spécialisé dans la recherche d’images.Utilise vos images pour trouver des images similaires... Pas encore au point , mais à essayer!



by 131 others
a search engine which claims to be indexing over a quarter million Creative Commons, Public Domain, GNU FDL, and various other ‘copyleft’ images.


by 26 others
image search with some interesting options; for example, you can choose to search only black and white or color photos.

Morguefile ____ Where photo reference lives.provides completely free photos; no registration required to download.

by 80 others
The purpose of this site is to provide free image reference material for use in all creative pursuits. This is the world wide web's morguefile.

FlickrCash______Moteur de recherche pour Flickr

by 3 others, 1 comment
FlickrCash est un moteur de recherche spécifique à Flickr (célèbre application d'hébergement et de partage de photos). Il permet des recherches avec un mot clé, un nom d'utilisateur, un groupe et même la date de publication. Le résultat est prése

h4ppier photos - flickr photos set and TAG organiser with date filter

by 2 others
To use h4ppier photos, enter a date range and/or tag filter then click 'search all photos'. You can also click 'show photos not in sets' or 'show photos without tags' to see those pics - note: the 'not in sets' and 'without tags' buttons both ignore the t


Similr: Find your next favorite photo

by 1 other
Welcome to similr. Here are your favorite pictures. Choose one, and dumpr will look who else liked this photo and what other photo they liked. Your next favorite is just around the corner!

Flickr Leech _________application pour Flickr

by 32 others
Flickr Leech that allows you to browse all 500 photos in Interestingness at a time for any given day. You can also browse all photos in your stream, or any user's stream, etc. Check it out. I found a photo of mine that I just add


Riya - Photo Search /reconnaissance visages

by 2 others
Use Riya to search your photos, your friends' photos, and the photos on the web

Random Photo Browser_Flickr

by 2 others
I created an alternative to Explore last night called Random. Not necessarily any better than Explore, quality-wise, but no worse, and it doesn't show nearly as many repeats. It works by picking a random Flickr user and then showing you some of their rece