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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags scroll & demo

August 2018

JAVASCRIPT / CSS - DEMO - Scrolling Letters Animation | Codrops

A switching title effect where a fixed text element changes with an animation depending on the scroll position.The animations are powered by anime anime.js. We also use imagesLoaded for preloading the images and Charming.js for the handling the letter structure of the titles.

April 2017

jQuery - javascript - JS scrollbar recommendations? - Stack Overflow

by 1 other
I like to use: - Tiny Scrollbar for the minimalist design - JQuery Custom Content Scroller

jQuery - LIBRARY - SCROLL - jQuery custom content scroller – malihu | web design

by 1 other (via)
(Last updated on Jul 11, 2016 ) Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin. Features include: - vertical and/or horizontal scrollbar(s) - adjustable scrolling momentum - mouse-wheel (via jQuery mousewheel plugin) - keyboard and touch support - ready-to-use themes and customization via CSS - RTL direction support - option parameters for full control of scrollbar functionality - methods for triggering actions like scroll-to - update, destroy etc - user-defined callbacks and more.....

decembre's TAGS related to tag scroll

>Jquery +   analyse +   animation +   blog +   browser +   code +   css +   demo +   design +   dev +   défilement +   documentation +   example +   exemple +   flex +   forum +   hover +   image +   infinite-scroll +   infinite-scrolling +   interface +   javascript +   jQuery +   library +   masonry +   mobile +   mouse +   navigation +   optimiser +   pagination +   parallaxe +   player +   plugin +   position +   progress bar +   scrollbar +   search +   site +   souris +   style +   transform +   tricks +   truc +   tuto +   tutorial +   tutoriel +   Tympanus +   user +   video +   web +   youtube +