public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from delavigne with tags css & dev

June 2011

April 2010

BigTarget.js - Increase click target size - more call-to-action conversions | Blog | Newcastle Web Design & Development | Newism

by 1 other (via)
$(document).ready(function(){ $("ol.bigTarget h4 a").bigTarget({ hoverClass: 'over', // CSS class applied to the click zone onHover clickZone : 'div:eq(0)' // jQuery parent selector }); });

March 2010

An Introduction To CSS Sprites

by 1 other
An Introduction To CSS Sprites If you’re not using CSS Sprites in your projects yet, you’re in for a treat. Find out what they are, why you need them, and how to use them to improve your project’s loading time and responsiveness.

December 2009

July 2009

Générateur de sprites CSS

by 17 others
Générateur de sprites CSS

June 2009

delavigne's TAGS related to tag css

ajax +   application +   bar +   barre +   blog +   box +   buttons +   code +   codes +   colonne +   CSS Sprites +   demo +   design +   detection +   dev +   diagramme +   effets +   email +   fixe +   float +   form +   formulaire +   framework +   generator +   graph +   graphs +   guide +   histogramme +   hosting +   html +   icones +   ie +   image +   images +   javascript +   jQuery +   liquid +   magazine +   mail +   mapsite +   mega drop down menus +   menu +   min-height +   mysql +   newsletter +   optimisation +   organigramme +   Page Peel +   php +   plan de site +   print +   résolution +   scrool +   sitemap +   spip +   table +   tabs +   technique +   template +   templates +   test +   tools +   tooltips +   trucs +   tutorials +   web +   web2.0 +   xhtml +