public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tags art & portfolio

January 2010

December 2009

esteban diacono personal online portfolio | personal online portfolio

my name is esteban diácono, i’m a freelance motion graphics designer living and working in argentina. please feel free to visit the site, check out the featured work and leave all kind of comments and feedback, they’re always welcome.

November 2009


by 5 others
Site de l’agence de design intérieur “Wonderwall” fondée en 2000 par le japonais Masamichi Katayama. Etonnante interface de navigation.


l'agence new-yorkaise First Born Multimédia, de création web avec navigation et interface innovante et originales

Big Ideas come out of Big Pencils

by 1 other
Chicago-based agency ranked as the 9th largest worldwide agency in 1998. Site provides full corporate information, credentials, portfolio, and services.

nastuh | visual effects artist |

by 1 other
Site allemand montrant en split screen des séquences video avant/après post prod, avec zone déplaçable, belle navigation et variations taille écran :