public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dggit with tags transmedia & qrcodes

08 November 2010 14:30

9 creative uses of QR Codes for your business | memeburn

With the exponential rise in mobile internet access there is no doubt in my mind that 2D codes (also known as Quick Response, or QR Codes) will become a trusty tool for “tagging” real-world objects with virtual information.

HK's TAGS related to tag transmedia

apps +   arg +   arte +   blog +   canada +   cinema +   community +   conceptual +   delicious +   digitalstorytelling +   documentary +   ecology +   film +   fish +   game +   graph +   klynt +   mediaglobal +   mobile +   qrcodes +   rights +   storyplaying +   storytelling +   tool +   toronto +   video +   web2.0 +   webagency +   webdoc +