public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tags community & webtech

01 December 2005

16 November 2005

Comment Blogging

Like mackinaw above, I too find I have started to add topic tags to comments I post, besides the "mandated" <i>mycomments</i> tag slapped on to all my own comments on external blogs. The "mycomments" tag holds the semantical meaning of tying in the Del.ic

10 November 2005

ecmanaut's TAGS related to tag community

blogger +   blogtech +   BlueSky +   CommentBlogging + +   ecmanaut +   eng +   folksonomy +   greasemonkey +   ideas +   jsolait +   json +   LinkLove +   myComments +   public +   rel=nofollow +   sharing +   svg +   thoughts +   webtech +