public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ernest with tags article & unread

June 2005

Denken Über » Entendiendo las Licencias Creative Commons

resum sobre tot el tema de creative commons q va comencar minid i tintachina

How to detect lies - body language, reactions, speech patterns

by 9 others
com saber si una persona menteix, amb allo del llenguatge corporal etc

New Scientist 11 steps to a better brain - Features

by 5 others
11 maneres de millorar la forma fisica del tarro

Uso de razon

by 1 other (via)
teoria sobre argumentacions i discusions

May 2005

April 2005

Carthik’s Blog » Blog Archive » Missing reinvigorate

parla del desaparegut sistema destadistiques reinvigorate


by 9 others
bloguear anonimamente

Freelancing in the Web World

article sobre freelance i els rates establerts

The Community Engine Blog: xFolk: An xhtml microformat for folksonomy

by 4 others
utilitzacio del xdmp per a la definicio de folksonomies

Spruced-Up Site Maps: A List Apart

by 2 others
menus desplegables, css i javascript, aqui no se com salven la intrusivitat

ernest's TAGS related to tag article

ajax +   blog +   calendar +   cool +   css +   design +   dhome +   documentation +   empresa +   foro +   ia +   inspiration +   javascript +   jobs +   mac +   meta +   online +   php +   podcast +   portfolio +   pps +   programming +   revolution +   rss +   search +   social +   soft +   tutorial +   unread +   usability +   utils +   video +   weblog +