public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tags design & media

December 2011


MagAppZine allows publishers to create branded apps for their publications and distribute them to the world via mobile devices like the iPad, opening up their business to a whole new audience while maintaining a lower overhead.

Digital Publishing from InDesign to iPad & Android

Create pixel-perfect iPad apps with no coding The fastest publishing platform for tablets Use InDesign CS4, CS5 or CS5.5 with Mag+ to create apps Publish to both iPad & Android Honeycomb tablets  One click to add rich media & interactive elements Instantly preview your design on any iPad

March 2011

Designing the Atavist, an App That Rescues Long-form Journalism | Co.Design

Created as a way of reviving long-form nonfiction, The Atavist is the "Goldilocks" of e-reading: a just-right blend of digital and printed magazine.

November 2010

The 1140px CSS Grid System/Framework · Fluid down to mobile

by 5 others
The 1140 grid fits perfectly into a 1280 monitor. On smaller monitors it becomes fluid and adapts to the width of the browser. Beyond a certain point it uses media queries to serve up a mobile version, which essentially stacks all the columns on top of each other so the flow of information still makes sense. Scrap 1024! Design once at 1140 for 1280, and with very little extra work, it will adapt itself to work on just about any monitor, even mobile.

Designing Media

Mainstream media, often known simply as MSM, have not yet disappeared in a digital takeover of the media landscape. But the long-dominant MSM-television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and books-have had to respond to emergent digital media. Newspapers have interactive Web sites; television broadcasts over the Internet; books are published in both electronic and print editions. In Designing Media, Bill Moggridge examines connections and conflicts between old and new media, describing how the MSM have changed and how new patterns of media consumption are emerging.

June 2010

Le design de l’information en ligne

« L’époque où un titre de presse en ligne était abordé comme déclinaison d’un équivalent papier est révolue. Parmi les enjeux les plus fondamentaux qui se font jour à travers les pratiques de l’information en ligne, les usages et donc les démarches de design. Qu’il s’agisse d’innover en proposant de nouveaux traitements de l’information, avec le rich-media, ou d’en hybrider les formes avec l’héritage typographique des journaux, les dispositifs interactifs renouvellent les pratiques de l’information en profondeur. Par ailleurs, ces publications électroniques se caractérisent par un héritage médiatique et esthétique complexe. Il semble ainsi judicieux d’envisager la presse en ligne dans une perspective évolutionniste et de montrer comment opèrent les nouveaux scénarios imaginés conjointement par les journalistes, les designers et les développeurs. »