public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tags magazine & video


Écriture-Vidéoludique – Mutations culturelles issues du jeu vidéo

EV se conçoit comme un terrain de jeu pour les collaborateurs. L’expérience de lecture découle du jeu des mises en page. Images, textes, sons, vidéos composent un digital playground for video game culture.

THE AVANT/GARDE DIARIES - Digital Interview Magazine

by 1 other
The Avant/Garde Diaries is a digital interview magazine that documents personal views on the avant-garde.
 Rather than labeling people avant-garde, we try to see through the eyes of people, who we admire for what they do. For each article we ask contributors from the creative field to introduce someone or something they consider to be ahead of time and explain why. The result will be a compendium of various, very personal perspectives that disclose new ways of thinking and spread inspiration. Corresponding to this digital platform, festivals will be hosted in metropolises around the world. Each event will be curated by an expert from the creative industry, showcasing his or her personal view on avant-garde. For information on upcoming and past events please check the Event category on this site. The Avant/Garde Diaries is a project by Mercedes-Benz.


MAG DC for iPad on the iTunes App Store

MAG – is the brand new iPad Magazine by Designcollector Network. Its core team unites awesome iPad developer and illustrator Fiodor Sumkin, art-director Aziz Melibayev and editor in chief Arseny Vesnin. To keep its über-cool concept we won’t reveal the content, but you can feel it watching the “Work in Progress” video belo



Urbania veut divertir, informer et surprendre les visiteurs de sa plateforme Web. Le site s’adresse à une communauté de gens curieux qui ont soif d’un média intelligent et fougueux qui sort des sentiers battus. Fabriqué par l’équipe de l’agence de création Toxa avec Turbulent pour l’intégration Flash et technologie d'arrière plan incluant le déploiment d’un CMS sur mesure en partenariat avec Cloudraker à l’intégration HTML/JS/CSS.