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PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tags mobile & arg

17 November 2012 00:45

Niantic Project

In an out-of-universe context, the organization behind the leaks is NianticLabs, a division of Google whose only other reported project to date is their Field Trip app. This ARG although involving it, seems unrelated to Field Trip, and its size and complexity leads us to speculate that it is for a completely new product, which may or may not share the emphasis on geolocation.

17 November 2012 00:30


by 1 other
Meet Ingress, a new free mobile app and alternate reality game made by Google launching today (on Android first, available as soon as it makes it through the Google Play release process). Ingress is a project of former Google director of geo John Hanke and his Niantic Labs, a start-up team wholly inside of Google.