ARQ - Property Paths
A property path expression (or just 'path') is similar to a string regular expression but over properties, not characters. ARQ determines all matches of a path expression and binds subject or object as appropriate. Only one match is recorded - no duplicates for any given path expression, although is the path is used in a situation where it's initial points is already repeated in a pattern, then this duplication is preserved.
RegExp ou XPath appliqué à un graphe? Intéressant, mais peut-être abscons.
SPARQLScript - Semantic Mashups made easy - benjamin nowack's blog
a script that integrates status notices from my twitter and identi.ca feeds, and then creates an HTML "lifestream" snippet.
a SPARQL-based scripting language.
SPARQL Endpoint interface to Python
by 1 otherThis is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI and, possibly, convert the result into a more manageable format.
simple SPARQL wrapper.
Implementation Survey
This implementation report summarizes results from 14 implementations of the SPARQL Query Language for RDF against the RDF Data Access Working Group's query language test suite.
RAP and RDFLib aren't the better ones