The Art of zen-coding: Bringing Snippets to a New Level - Monday By Noon
by 1 otherThe biggest calling point for zen-coding for me is its implementation of HTML selectors as snippet triggers. zen-coding includes an entirely new angle to writing markup, and it facilitates the feature by letting you write HTML based on CSS selectors
Exists for a wide range of editors, if you like snippets.
premailer.py - Transform CSS into line style attributes with lxml.html - Peterbe.com (Peter Bengtsson on Python, Zope, Kung Fu, London and photos)
by 1 otherpremailer.py takes a HTML page, finds all CSS blocks and transforms these into style attributes.
a must have nowadays!
Yahoo! 360° - Douglas Crockford's The Department of Style - HTML4.2
I think the HTML5 project is misguided in the same way that ES4 was. It is trying to do too much without a clear mission that defines the problems it is solving. I think the project needs a reset. I want to refocus it with the intention of producing the smallest possible standard, rather than the largest possible standard.
I would call the replacement project HTML4.2. It would be tempting to call it HTML4.1, but the current HTML standard is HTML 4.01, so the potential for confusion is too great.
Opinionated Doug is opinionated, and I think it's a good thing.
evserver - Google Code
EvServer is a lightweight http server, created especially to host python WSGI applications. Additionally, it supports little known Asynchronous WSGI extension, which was suggested by Christopher Stawarz. Using this extension it's possible to create an output html response in many data chunks, without blocking the main server process while your application waits for external resources.
Comet the WSGI way.
HTML: The Markup Language
by 1 otherThis specification normatively defines the fifth major version of the HTML vocabulary. It provides the details necessary for producers of HTML content to create conformant documents. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.
a version more usable to help you actually writing HTML5
obtrusivejavascriptchecker - Google Code
by 1 otherGoes through all the HTML code in a web page, and outlines any HTML element with inline events with a red border.
nifty idea (via codepo8)
typeface.js -- Rendering text with Javascript, <canvas>, and VML
by 12 othersAccessibility footnotes | And all that Malarkey
(via)When graphics or images contain content that cannot be adequately described in the few words available inside an alt attribute, a longer description should be provided.
a simple howto do it with a minimum hassle.
SPARQLScript - Semantic Mashups made easy - benjamin nowack's blog
a script that integrates status notices from my twitter and identi.ca feeds, and then creates an HTML "lifestream" snippet.
a SPARQL-based scripting language.
Internationalization Best Practices: Handling Right-to-left Scripts in XHTML and HTML Content
This document provides advice for the use of XHTML or HTML markup and CSS to create pages for languages that use right-to-left scripts, such as Arabic and Hebrew. It attempts to counter many of the misunderstandings or over-complexities that currently abound. It also offers advice to those preparing content that will be localized into scripts that behave like Arabic and Hebrew.
Comet Daily » Blog Archive » The Future of Comet: Part 2, HTML 5’s Server-Sent Events
Comet doesn’t have to be a hack. Currently, as we saw last time, Comet relies on undocumented loopholes and workarounds, each one with some drawbacks. We can make Comet work effectively in every browser, using streaming transports on subdomains of the same second-level domain, or using script tag long polling across domains. But this leaves Comet developers implementing (and more frustratingly, debugging) several transports across several browsers. Traps are numerous and easy to stumble into.
event-source is the future of all Comet things.
by 1 otherPottyMouth transforms completely unstructured and untrusted text to valid, nice-looking, completely safe XHTML.
one of the most over-done task.
Greasemonkey Imports | The Experiments of Gareth Andrew
GreasemonkeyImports adds the ability to import files into your greasemonkey scripts, this allows splitting your javascript into a more modular file organisation, including third party libraries, and importing extra resaources such as images, html and css.
@import and @require for GM
HTML 5 differences from HTML 4
by 1 other"HTML 5 differences from HTML 4" describes the differences between HTML 4 and HTML 5 and provides some of the rationale for the changes.
Reminds me the old document html vs xhtml.