public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tag code

January 2010

Myths about code comments - Jason in a Nutshell

It seems to me getting good at writing comments is an under-appreciated part of a Programmer's development. However, I feel that this is a part of programming that's almost as important as writing code itself.

November 2009

Pair Programming Ping Pong Pattern

  1. A writes a new test and sees that it fails.
  2. B implements the code needed to pass the test.
  3. B writes the next test.
  4. A implements it.

March 2009

Announcing Hookah, the Web Hook Event Dispatcher « Web Hooks

The goal of Hookah is to take most of the work out of implementing web hooks. Ideally, Hookah will allow you to have all the features you need for successfully deploying web hooks and only need to add a few lines of code to your app. In fact, one line for each event! On top of that, the interface for Hookah is HTTP, so it’s not that different than directly invoking web hooks and works easily from any language.

webhooks are the last cool things.

February 2009

10 Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice)

by 2 others

I realized that instead of complaining, I could help by pointing to some papers which are easily available online and which (to me at least) point to some of the most interesting ideas about software. To me, these are classic papers which contain deep things you oughta know about code – the material you work with.

added to the toread list

evserver - Google Code

EvServer is a lightweight http server, created especially to host python WSGI applications. Additionally, it supports little known Asynchronous WSGI extension, which was suggested by Christopher Stawarz. Using this extension it's possible to create an output html response in many data chunks, without blocking the main server process while your application waits for external resources.

Comet the WSGI way.

Rethink – "How do you motivate?"

I personally enjoy and benefit a lot from pair programming. It’s not something I get to do all of the time, but a solid pairing session with a good developer gets me results. I love sharing tricks, and discussing code before it’s written. However, there might be more to it than that.

Hampton and I started to speculate that we work best if someone is just there, keeping you on your toes. Someone to chastise you if you check Facebook, even if they don’t know the first thing about programming. We joked about hiring people to just sit there and watch us code. I laughed!

Well, I’m not laughing any more. I tried it, and it worked.

Learning by Code

I'm not speaking from experience, but rather from logic. My experience is that I've learned more about programming from programming than from reading. My logic is that, given the many irrelevant parts of my personal programming-related readings, I could increase learning by focusing more on the act of programming itself.

read less, do more.

MovingToDistutils - django-hotclub - the how and why of Pinax's move to distutils - Google Code

Until recently, Pinax had two choices for a given external dependency:

  1. use svn:externals and point to the external dependency's svn repository
  2. include the external dependency code in the Pinax codebase

However, there are problems with this approach:

  1. it largely relies on external dependencies being in svn and this is increasingly not the case (although it was when Pinax started)
  2. it makes it difficult for Pinax itself to move away from svn
  3. there is no management of dependencies between external dependencies, nor between particular projects in Pinax and their individual dependencies

To solve these problems and more, Pinax is switching to a distutils-based approach. This means:

  1. externals dependencies are encouraged to be released as distutil-compliant packages with a valid and put on PyPI
  2. development versions of dependencies can be pulled in in a variety of different ways including from git, hg or bzr repositories

svn:externals are evil

January 2009

Things You Should Never Do, Part I - Joel on Software

by 2 others

They did it by making the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make:

They decided to rewrite the code from scratch.

because old advices are even more precious when they are old.

Don't hire a programmer if they don't code for fun

Obviously fun coding projects aren't the only indicator of a rock star, but they're a good way to filter out programmers that just do it for a paycheck.

don't forget that those kind of employee are demanding, they know how to have fun at working (if they do that in their spare time). Give them good food.

A Simple Web App using Nitrogen.

Nitrogen is a Erlang web framework created by Rusty Klophaus. It’s looking pretty good so far and seem to be steadily improving. Today I decided it was time to jump in and get to know Nitrogen and setup my own app. Using the Amazon wishlist gen_server code I posted yesterday I created a little app that will accept an email address and then return your wishlist.

another web framework in Erlang.

December 2008

Testing Will Challenge Your Conventions

1 comment (via)

Private makes less sense than it used to. You can’t test anything that’s private. You need to have ways to sense that your tests are working as intended, and you have to be able to test any method that is interesting. That means less private and more accessors. Get used to living in a more public world. If you need to hide something from users, don’t include it in the interface or abstract base class. “Implements”/”public inheritance” is the new “private”.

or documented is the new public

November 2008

Code Intensity: SVN Externals are Evil; Use Piston or Braid

by 1 other

the evil is SVN itself not handling changing of externals (i.e. to/from an external) in basic operations like updates and merges, which may cause a lot of manual work on your end, and break automated builds or similar.

wondering about massively usage of it.

obtrusivejavascriptchecker - Google Code

by 1 other

Goes through all the HTML code in a web page, and outlines any HTML element with inline events with a red border.

nifty idea (via codepo8)

October 2008

eswf - Google Code

Erlang library for manipulating Adobe SWF files and related data formats

September 2008

by 3 others, 1 comment (via)

In the beginning was Netscape Gold. Then Mozilla Composer. From the ashes of Netscape and the code of Mozilla Composer came Nvu. Nvu had a cousin, KompoZer. But all this tools now belong to History and are extinct or on path to extinction.

In the meantime, Mozilla brought Firefox to the masses and its rendering engine, Gecko, has the power to fuel a next-generation wysiwyg editor for the World Wide Web. This editor is BlueGriffon™. Stay tuned !


simpledb-dev - Google Code

SimpleDB/dev provides a local SimpleDB server, so you can develop offline, without even currently having a SimpleDB account.

a nice usage of

phpsocketdaemon - Google Code

by 2 others

By using this library you can focus on implementing protocol and logic, instead of spending countless hours of writing and debugging asynchronous, non blocking, high performance socket routines.

PHP is getting massive ?

August 2008

the-cassandra-project - Google Code

by 1 other (via)

Cassandra is a distributed storage system for managing structured data while providing reliability at a massive scale.

seems to be an alternative to scalaris (in Java too although)

Geolocation Module API - Gears API - Google Code

The Geolocation module enables a web application to obtain a user's geographical position.

how evil is this?

June 2008

ncache - Google Code

by 4 others (via)

a web cache system base on nginx web server. faster and more efficient than squid.

May 2008

Elegant Code » Why Agile Doesn’t Really Work

Build your business practices to embrace change just like your Agile development practices do. Embrace continuous integration of the enterprise, not just your source code.

yes, embrace it

ecouch - Google Code


eCouch is an Erlang application that provides access to CouchDb servers.

March 2008

xbl - Google Code

The XBL 2.0 has so far not been implemented in any modern web-browser. However the implementation hosted here is designed in a way that it will not be used in case browser supports the technology natively. The list below contains browsers on which the implementation was successfully tested.

via Glazou

February 2008

10 best CSS hacks |

by 9 others

Here is the list of 10 hand picked CSS hacks and tricks which can help you in your CSS code and also save some time.

always useful tips and hacks.

greut's TAGS related to tag code

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