Exits: Yahoo's Do-Nothings Set to Bleed Purple
The nature of corporations as they grow is to become glacial and bureaucratic because no one trusts anyone. You spend half the day reporting on what you do so execs higher up can keep an eye on you because they believe that some how, you're out to destroy the company. And probably, some number of employees are. Or at the very least, not working up to their potential. Here's an idea, do some careful hiring and recruiting, hire people who are excellent at their jobs AND have some moral fiber, and set them loose to do what you hired them for. No one gets hired to fill out status reports, but that's mostly what we all end up doing. So the good people leave for greener, entrepreneurial pastures, and the people happy about status reports stay, get promoted and the whole thing perpetuates itself until you have Yahoo, GM or any other number of glacial bureauracracies.
the only value of valleywag hides in the comments.
The Past Is Prologue: Carol Bartz and Autodesk in 1992=Yahoo Now | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD
“Over time, Autodesk became almost unmanageable. Why? Autodesk was run very democratically. People met. They discussed things. Many flowers bloomed. But nobody harvested.”
You can replace Autodesk with any other big company name, more or less. Growing is hard and painful.
Yahoo Grenoble opens: roll out the purple carpet! | Media | guardian.co.uk
I firmly believe that Mr Linwood's own actions are a significant factor in the difficulties Yahoo!'s London office faces with hiring and retaining engineering talent.
what a comment (from an ex-Yahoo!)
Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
by 20 othersThe Exceptional Performance team has identified a number of best practices for making web pages fast. The list includes 34 best practices divided into 7 categories.
premature optimization is the root of all evil
Fire Eagle and Shapely
Fire Eagle GeoJSON is fixed. Shapely is great for doing things with your data.
FireWrench is a tool for GreaseMonkey which allows easy authentication and usage with FireEagle.
How to build a cross-browser history management system - Tales from the Evil Empire
The main trick that history managers use is to have the browser believe the user navigated to a new url without the current page and all its JavaScript and DOM state being thrown away. The only part of the url that enables such a thing is the hash part. The hash part is what comes at the end of the url after a pound (#) sign. The original intent of this part of the url was to allow for navigation inside of the document. You would put a special named, href-less anchor tag in your document, and then navigating to #nameOfTheAnchor would just scroll the anchor into view. The page doesn't get reloaded, but it does enter the browser history.
YUI Browser History Manager does that for you, but lack of documenting how it works under the hood.
Julien Lecomte’s Blog » High Performance Ajax Applications - Video Presentation
a talk (at Yahoo!) about High Performance Ajax Applications
video and slides on slideshare.
YUI DHTML Widget : Dialogs
bubble dialog for YUI
Short Internet Case Studies: Creating Mortal Enemies - Miguel de Icaza
"Flickr, good but not for me" to "Flickr, mortal enemy" in 10 seconds