May 2008
Pablotron: PersistJS
PersistJS is a client-side JavaScript persistent storage library. or cookie are a bit old school ;-)
April 2008
Tonic: A RESTful Web App Development PHP Library
by 2 othersTonic is an open source less is more, RESTful Web application development PHP library designed to do things "the right way", where resources are king and the library gets out of the way and leaves the developer to get on with it. in PHP, more verbose though.
March 2008
mindforks: Debugging JavaScript evals
Note to self... when debugging dojo in firefox... always check the script option: "Show eval() sources" in firebug.
eval is evil, but still.
FirePHP - Extending Firebug < Reference
(via)The following example illustrates how to add a new panel called "Test Panel" to Firebug.
How to extend Firebug for your needs.
February 2008
Reality Driven Development
3 commentsIf we had to bet our lives on the continued success and adaptability of any single company (...), we would place that bet on 3M. Using 3M as a blueprint for evolutionary progress at its best, here are five basic lessons (...).
- Give it a try - and quick!
- Accept that mistakes will be made.
- Take small steps.
- Give people the room they need.
- Mechanisms--build that ticking clock
ANN: Fabric - Simple pythonic remote deployment tool. -
Fabric looks, on the surface at least (or for those who've only spent a short while with either), a lot like Capistrano. You have a fabfile (as oppose to a capfile) in you project directory, and that file describes all of your deployment tasks (or commands, in Fabric speak).
A pythonic capistrano. (via david`bgk)
September 2007
What are CSS sprites?
by 17 othersCSS sprites are a way to reduce the number of HTTP requests made for image resources referenced by your site. Images are combined into one larger image at defined X and Y coorindates. Having assigned this generated image to relevant page elements the background-position CSS property can then used to shift the visible area to the required component image.
another way to save precious HTTP hits from your page
Whitehat SEO tips for bloggers
“[…] if you’d already made your site with underscores, it probably wasn’t worth trying to migrate all your urls over to dashes. If you’re starting fresh, I’d still pick dashes.”
I loved the - vs _ war.