Network programming with Go
An e-book on building network applications using the Google Go programming language (golang)
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
by 3 othersEloquent JavaScript is a book providing an introduction to the JavaScript programming language and programming in general.
Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
by 1 otherOh Hello! Welcome to my guide to Erlang! This guide is intended to be read by beginners, but if you're average or somewhat advanced you can probably learn a few things too! If you're too good for that, please help me when you find errors; you can also send me suggestions at mononcqc at gmail dot com or find me on #erlang (under the nickname MononcQc). Also, check out my twitter! Good read to you!
Overqualified: Thursday, March 5th 2009
Cover letters are all the same. They're useless. You write the same lies over and over again, listing the store-bought parts of yourself that you respect the least. God knows how they tell anyone apart, but this is how it's done.
And then one day a car comes out of nowhere, and suddenly everything changes and you don't know if he'll ever wake up. You get out of bed in the morning, and when you sit down to write another paint-by-numbers cover letter, something entirely different comes out.
You start threatening instead of begging. You tell impolite jokes. You talk about your childhood and your sexual fantasies. You sign your real name and you put yourself honestly into letter after letter and there is no way you are ever going to get this job. Not with a letter like this.
And you send it anyway.
MRG Messaging
This book shows you how to write programs for the MRG Messaging component of the Red Hat Enterprise MRG distributed computing platforming using the Apache Qpid API.
Nice intro (with schemas) to AMQP
Agile Development Thoughts: Zero to Hyper Agile in 90 Days or Less
by 1 otherThis is an evolving web version of a book that I'm writing titled "Zero to Hyper Agile in 90 Days or Less."
a book as a blog.
InfoQ: Scrum and XP from the Trenches
by 2 othersThis book aims to give you a head start by providing a detailed down-to-earth account of how one Swedish company implemented Scrum and XP with a team of approximately 40 people and how they continuously improved their process over a year's time.
another (free as in beer) book to read
Stein på stein - norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere nivå A3
Her finner du oppgaver til alle kapitlene i Stein på stein. Vi vil etter hvert utvide nettstedet med flere oppgaver og gjøre det enda enklere å bruke.
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På vei - interaktive oppgaver
Her finner du oppgaver til alle kapitlene i Påvei.
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Using Fixture To Test A Pylons SQLAlchemy App — fixture v1.0 documentation
This explains how to use fixture in the test suite of a simple Address Book application written in Pylons powered by two tables in a SQLite database via SQLAlchemy.
simple way to do unit testing with Pylons
OpenID Book Web Site
massive PDF book about OpenID, some good stuff in there.
Distributed revision control with Mercurial
by 1 otherWelcome to the home of the book “Distributed revision control with Mercurial”.