Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
by 1 otherOh Hello! Welcome to my guide to Erlang! This guide is intended to be read by beginners, but if you're average or somewhat advanced you can probably learn a few things too! If you're too good for that, please help me when you find errors; you can also send me suggestions at mononcqc at gmail dot com or find me on #erlang (under the nickname MononcQc). Also, check out my twitter! Good read to you!
RabbitMQ - Open Source Enterprise Messaging
by 2 othersRabbitMQ is a complete and highly reliable Enterprise Messaging system. The RabbitMQ client libraries and broker daemon can be used together to create an AMQP network, or used individually to bring the benefits of RabbitMQ to established networks.
téléchargé, décompressé, make, make run et en voiture Simone!
A Simple Web App using Nitrogen.
Nitrogen is a Erlang web framework created by Rusty Klophaus. It’s looking pretty good so far and seem to be steadily improving. Today I decided it was time to jump in and get to know Nitrogen and setup my own app. Using the Amazon wishlist gen_server code I posted yesterday I created a little app that will accept an email address and then return your wishlist.
another web framework in Erlang.
A Million-user Comet Application with Mochiweb, Part 1 | Richard Jones, Esq.
In this series I will detail what I found out empirically about how mochiweb performs with lots of open connections, and show how to build a comet application using mochiweb, where each mochiweb connection is registered with a router which dispatches messages to various users.
with details how to tweak the kernel and make a flood test
Speeqe – Trac
(via)Speeqe is a web based, group chat client that works with the XMPP/MUC protocol.
and open source since a couple of days.
eswf - Google Code
Erlang library for manipulating Adobe SWF files and related data formats
Disco is an open-source implementation of the Map-Reduce framework for distributed computing. As the original framework, Disco supports parallel computations over large data sets on unreliable cluster of computers.
The Disco core is written in Erlang, a functional language that is designed for building robust fault-tolerant distributed applications. Users of Disco typically write jobs in Python, which makes it possible to express even complex algorithms or data processing tasks often only in tens of lines of code. This means that you can quickly write scripts to process massive amounts of data.
Disco was started at Nokia Research Center as a lightweight framework for rapid scripting of distributed data processing tasks. This far Disco has been succesfully used, for instance, in parsing and reformatting data, data clustering, probabilistic modelling, data mining, full-text indexing, and log analysis with hundreds of gigabytes of real-world data.
Erlang + Python = complete beautifulness
Anders Conbere
how to build a fast and efficient XMPP bot that lives in ejabberd.
doing a bot as a client instead of a server module seems outdated already.
Erlang: An Introduction to Records | 20bits
If you want to to add and remove fields on the fly, or if you don't know what fields you'll have until runtime, you should use dicts rather than records.
whenever using record, how and not (by choosing dict instead)
Real World Haskell » Blog Archive » CUFP 2007 videos now easier to view
[…] the recorded sessions from last year’s Commercial Users of Functional Programming are now up in conveniently viewable form on Google Video.
Erlang, F#, ...
(via)Erlang-style pattern matching. This defines a decorator ``Inbox`` which turns a function into an inbox that accepts messages (through calling) and dispatches to an implementation.
File/Directory Listing in a MochiWeb Project - MochiWeb | Google Groups
a very basic File and Directory Listing capability to my MochiWeb project
Erlang - software for a concurrent world
How do you program a multicore computer? Easy - do it in Erlang. Erlang is a concurrent functional programming language designed for programming fault-tolerant systems. With share-nothing semantics and pure message passing, Erlang programs scales on multicore computers. In this talk, Joe introduces Erlang, the ideas of Concurrent Oriented Programming and commercial applications written in Erlang
Yariv’s Blog » Blog Archive » Announcing Twoorl: an open source ErlyWeb-based Twitter clone
With the recent brouhaha over Twitter’s scalability problems, I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to write a Twitter clone in Erlang?
Last weekend was cold and rainy here in Palo Alto, so I sat down and hacked one, and thus Twoorl was born. It took me one full day plus a couple of evenings. The codebase is about 1700 lines (including comments).
Twitter is dead, long live to Twoorl. The code is open source.
gen_server behaviour in Erlang - You don't want to read this.
The power of OTP comes from the fact that properties such as fault tolerance, scalability, dynamic-code upgrade, and so on, can be provided by the behavior itself. In other words, the writer of the callback does not have to worry about [those things] because this is provided by the behavior.
Erlang Community - A fast web server demonstrating some undocumented Erlang features - Trapexit
by 1 otherThis HOWTO describes a web server written for the day when even Yaws is not quick enough.
Open Source Web>2.0 Technologies: Mochiweb - an erlang based webserver toolkit
a sample Bob (Ippolito) provided to show how to build a webserver using mochiweb
Bob Ippolito Exploring Erlang Video
1 commentBob Ippolito’s excellent presentation about Erlang
The guy behind Mochi(Web,Ads,Kit,...)
BayFP - Yariv Sadan presents ErlyWeb
(via)Yariv Sadan presents ErlyWeb, the Erlang twist on web frameworks. This talk was recorded at the December 6, 2007 meeting of the Bay Area ... all » Functional Programmers group. The meeting was kindly hosted at UC Berkeley.
Ruminations of a Programmer: Erlang String Lambdas
Over the last weekend I wanted to have a go at porting Oliver Steele's string lambda into Erlang. And here is the result ..
functional programming beauty
ASPN : Python Cookbook : An Erlang Port in Python
Ports provide the basic Erlang mechanism for communication with the external world. They provide a byte-oriented interface to an external program.
talking to Python from Erlang