Tornado Web Server Documentation
Tornado comes with limited support for WSGI. However, since WSGI does not support non-blocking requests, you cannot use any of the asynchronous/non-blocking features of Tornado in your application if you choose to use WSGI instead of Tornado's HTTP server. Some of the features that are not available in WSGI applications: @tornado.web.asynchronous, the httpclient module, and the auth module.
in other words: WSGI sucks
Secure Cookie Authentication for CouchDB | Jason Davies: Web Design and Development
I’ve recently been working on an implementation of cookie-based authentication for CouchDB. This is important for pure CouchDB applications (couchapps), where browsers communicate directly with CouchDB. Currently browsers can be authenticated using HTTP basic auth but the popup login box can be disruptive and confusing for users.
don't miss the picture.
evserver - Google Code
EvServer is a lightweight http server, created especially to host python WSGI applications. Additionally, it supports little known Asynchronous WSGI extension, which was suggested by Christopher Stawarz. Using this extension it's possible to create an output html response in many data chunks, without blocking the main server process while your application waits for external resources.
Comet the WSGI way.
Projects/PunJab - Butterfat
(via)Punjab is a HTTP jabber client interface. It is a SOAP, XMLRPC, XEP-0025 or XEP-0124 server that allows persistent client connections to a jabber server. It can be used for many things, but its main purpose is to allow for stateless applications (ie web) a stateful connection to jabber.
let enter the BOSH era
HTTP Vocabulary in RDF
This document defines a representation of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) using the Resource Description Framework (RDF). It defines a collection of RDF classes and properties that represent the HTTP vocabulary as defined by the HTTP specification.
Pylot | Open Source Web Performance Tool
by 3 othersPylot is a free open source tool for testing performance and scalability of web services. It runs HTTP load tests, which are useful for capacity planning, benchmarking, analysis, and system tuning.
Code.nytimes.com: All the code that's fit to printf()
(via)Welcome to code.nytimes.com. Check out our projects
Cool projects by the NY Times geeks.
What are CSS sprites?
by 17 othersCSS sprites are a way to reduce the number of HTTP requests made for image resources referenced by your site. Images are combined into one larger image at defined X and Y coorindates. Having assigned this generated image to relevant page elements the background-position CSS property can then used to shift the visible area to the required component image.
another way to save precious HTTP hits from your page