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PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tag example

August 2008 APIs


whoisi GETful interface.

July 2008 | iPhone-App Development for Web Hackers

Note: I am very convinced that in order to learn any language, you should just jump in right away – don’t build useless example projects.

still not convinced that this is the future, but it can be interesting.

April 2008

CSS Variables

Since the release of CSS Level 2 Recommendation ten years ago in may 1998, the Web authors' community has been requesting a way of defining variables in CSS. Variables allow to define stylesheet-wide values identified by a token and usable in all CSS declarations. If a value is often used in a stylesheet - a common example is the value of the color or background-color properties - it's then easy to update the whole stylesheet statically or dynamically modifying just one variable instead of modifying all style rules applying the property/value pair.


December 2007 ActiveWarehouse Example with Rails SVN Logs

1 comment

This article covers how to build a simple ActiveWarehouse data warehouse using the Subversion logs from the Rails project.

Time to forget about data normalization

June 2007

April 2007

greut's TAGS related to tag example

api +   article +   color +   community +   concurrency +   css +   datawarehouse +   django +   getful +   http +   introduction +   iphone +   pycon2007 +   python +   rails +   ruby +   rules +   subversion +   svn +   tutorial +   use +   web +