05 October 2006 00:00
Azureus PHP Control Layer
The Azureus PHP control layer is an interface for Azureus written in PHP. It's based on the Swing control layer and interfaces using XML over HTTP with Parg's XML control plugin for Azureus.
04 October 2006 15:00
PHPBTTracker+ is a bittorrent tracker; it is an extension of the original PHPBTTracker authored by DeHackEd.
Version 2.x of PHPBTTracker+ is based off of the core of PHPBTTracker 1.5e, and supports peer caching and the compact protocol.
Version 1.x of PHPBTTracker+ is based off of the core of PHPBTTracker 1.4 (an older release of the original phpbttracker.)
04 October 2006 08:00
Monter un tracker BitTorrent sur Linux (Fedora Core 3)
Cet article va vous expliquer comment monter un tracker Php pour faire du BitTorrent, ainsi qu'un client BitTorrent en seeding perpétuel
(3 marks)