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PUBLIC MARKS from image with tags article & news

June 2008

April 2007

March 2007

Optimal line length

by 1 other
Yesterday I replied to a posting in the Dutch Usenet group on web design (nl.internet.www.ontwerp) with a link to an article on the optimal line length when reading prose text from a monitor, published in the UI Design Newsletter of November, 2002

David Card: Information from

From 1988 to 1992, Card was Associate Editor of the Journal of Labor Economics and from 1993 to 1997, he was co-editor of Econometrica. He won the John Bates Clark Medal in 1995.

February 2007

The social scientific study of leadership: quo vadis? Journal of Management - Find Articles

In hindsight, it is easy to criticize earlier research. However, one needs to appreciate the limitations associated with early investigation of the phenomena. One problem with early trait research was that there was little empirically substantiated person

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