public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from image with tags months & buttons

26 March 2008 03:45

Button Width in IE

by 10 others
This is nice& thank you. I have one question, if the form elements are contained within a table or td the table stretches as if the button was taking up the extra space it used to??

image's TAGS related to tag months

account +   american +   auto +   bada +   baghdad +   blogger +   blogorrhea +   buttons +   called +   calories +   class +   code +   comment +   complete +   contacts +   content +   copyright +   couple +   create +   days +   dept +   Discussing +   document +   dynamism +   echelon +   embed +   energy +   explorer +   extra +   fait +   favorites +   feel +   figures +   flavors +   free +   from +   funny +   groups +   herring +   home +   http +   info +   internet +   invented +   jason +   language +   leaving +   letter +   life +   lists +   loading +   local +   long +   mais +   montana +   nice +   official +   overflow +   padding +   page +   paragliding +   part +   past +   percent +   playe +   player +   post +   power +   previous +   quicklist +   quietus +   rating +   related +   reply +   rift +   showing +   size +   sorti +   speed +   state +   stripes +   table +   time +   times +   tout +   urlform +   Vernon +   video +   videos +   views +   vineet +   violenc +   wasted +   white +   with +   worth +   year +   years +   york +   youtube +