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PUBLIC MARKS from image with tags search & book

March 2007

BookWire - Book Reviews, Author Resources, and Book Industry News & Statistics

by 7 others
Christian Publishing News & Reviews Christian Publishing News & Reviews is positioned to benefit all markets in the Christian book trade -- booksellers, libraries, and publishers -- the quarterly publication will feature industry news and in

February 2007

Wake Up and Dream, by Author Pat Mesiti - Associated Content

by 12 others
Every night before bed, I would read a chapter or two from Wake Up and Dream, but eventually, I had to stop. I found that I was losing sleep because I would lay awake and think about ideas I have or something I want to accomplish. So, I had to start readi

January 2007

Rewriting history | The madness of myths |

WHATEVER you think about the second world war is wrong, and this book will prove it. That, at least, is the contention of Norman Davies, a trenchant British-born historian whose scope, ambition and knowledge about Europe are unmatched. His aim in this new

image's TAGS related to tag search

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