public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from image with tags view & with

16 February 2007

10 February 2007

Damien Katz: CouchDb Technical Overview

Conflict management continues to work even if multiple disconnected users or agents attempt to resolve the same conflicts. If resolved conflicts result in more conflicts, the system accommodates them in the same manner, determining the same winner on each

28 January 2007

Geek to Live: Visualize your hard drive usage - Lifehacker

by 2 others
I just seems like a bit too much... nice to see the percentages by filetype, but too many bubbles! :)

11 January 2007

image's TAGS related to tag view

address +   article +   audio +   automated +   blog +   business +   choose +   click +   client +   code +   comment +   comments +   company +   contact +   content +   date +   design +   development +   digital +   download +   email +   find +   free +   friend +   friends +   from +   full +   games +   general +   graphics +   great +   have +   home +   http +   icons +   info +   information +   large +   Layouts +   life +   line +   link +   long +   love +   mail +   marketing +   mother +   music +   myspace +   network +   news +   page +   piece +   pimp +   player +   poem +   portfolio +   post +   posted +   posts +   preview +   price +   profile +   public +   published +   puppy +   read +   reminder +   sample +   save +   search +   security +   select +   site +   sites +   started +   style +   submit +   support +   system +   text +   that +   this +   time +   tips +   tools +   topics +   training +   type +   video +   views +   website +   when +   which +   window +   with +   words +   work +   year +   your +