public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from image with tags your & have

April 2007

Hack This Mac : 243 iMac desktop background

by 1 other
This reminds me of the Transparent Screens Photoshop trick: Very cool!

March 2007

1080p Does Matter - Heres When (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution)

by 3 others
What the chart shows is that, for a 50-inch screen, the benefits of 720p vs. 480p start to become apparent at viewing distances closer than 14.6 feet and become fully apparent at 9.8 feet. For the same screen size, the benefits of 1080p vs. 720p start to

Call for Help: Best way to rake leaves? - Lifehacker

I got a walk-behind leaf blower and blow the leaves from one end of the yard to the other. No mathematical formula needed. I picked mine up for $180 on craiglist. It would normally go for >$500. A 24 hour task with a rake only takes about 3 hours with

February 2007

The tagged web and Using Technorati | betterdays

An example here, I am pasting some tags here on one of my entries about a newspaper in India that encourages its readers to blog. This is how the last few lines of my post looks like.

by 31 others
pruning is a double-edged sword, either helping or hurting according & When improperly performed, pruning can harm the trees health, & This tree pruning site is prepared and maintained by Dr. Edward F. & Appropriate pruning

Ajax.NET - The free library for .NET (C#)

by 7 others
The error object will have three properties: name will be the type of the exception, description the .Message property of the exception thrown on the server, and number will be a unique ID (not yet implemented!). There is a toString() method that will out

by 28 others
Think of a good-looking jump day. You wish to go biking, go fishing or flat use a barbecue near your household. When you pass your garage to amass your cog and crumpet to having fun you maintain a gigantic bowl over: your matter is all on top of the area,

January 2007

Geek to Live: Visualize your hard drive usage - Lifehacker

by 2 others
I just seems like a bit too much... nice to see the percentages by filetype, but too many bubbles! :) by David Brake academic, consultant & journalist

Multimedia US Public Radio This American Life superb storytelling Day to Day NPR daily topical feature show inc. Slate content Nerd TV Wisconsin Public Radio has: Here on Earth (excerpts are podcast) To the Best of our Knowledg

IE expressions ignore CSS media types | 456 Berea Street

by 2 others
Use Text Link Ads to Advertise on 456 Berea Street, buy a book or two from SitePoint, or get me something from my Amazon Wish List.

image's TAGS related to tag your

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