February 2006
France Telecom at eTel
Some Telco Frankness and Initiative at Last!
foe romeo: LIFT06: Stefana Broadbent, 'SMS is to tell you I miss you'
People are extremely sophisticated in their communication choices, and usually choose the best channel for each situation.
January 2006
Wireless Networking in the Developing World
by 1 otherA practical guide to planning and building low-cost telecommunications infra
Voice 2.0
A Manifesto for the Future
E-ink cell phone by Anthony Reed
Flamingo - Product Design Gallery - modeled in Rhino, rendered in Flamingo
The iotum™ Relevance Engine™ is the world's first smart platform to intelligently filter, rank and prioritize calls based on their relevance to you.
December 2005
Honey, I'm home!
In the old world, the economic activity started when the phone call began. In the new world, that’s when it ends. The money is all in presence, social networking, filtering, privacy management...
A telco that really gets it?
A fascinating interview with Norman Lewis, the Director of Technology Research for France Telecom
November 2005
Build-it-yourself cell phones
"Surj Patel is building his own cell phone, bit by soldered bit"
:: W.One ::
W.One Broadband Communicator - concept design
October 2005
The nano Phone
Yanko Design
Talking in the Dark
Wifi meshes in disaster zones
September 2005
Announcing the Emerging Telephony Conference
The Fonly Institute
Low-cost, locally-operated, sustainable telecoms systems that facilitate economic self-development in rural and underserved communities
Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, First Edition
By Jared Smith, Jim Van Meggelen, Leif Madsen
VOIP Phones Give Villagers a Buzz
Using solar and pedal-powered VoIP phones and Wi-Fi to bring local, national and international dialing to remote areas of the world