public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from irols with tags musées & education

June 2007

FUTUROSCOPE EDUCATION - Séjours scolaires et classes de découverte

A l’occasion de son 20ème anniversaire, le Futuroscope choisit de concentrer son offre autour de sujets qui parlent aux jeunes et qui construiront leur avenir : les technologies du futur, l’image sous toutes ses formes, le développement durable, la découverte du monde et des cultures, l’exploration des confins de la Terre et de l’univers…

March 2007

Educational visits to the Haynes International Motor Museum

School trips and Key Stage programmes... The Haynes International Motor Museum is endowed as an educational charitable trust. A visit to the collection will undoubtedly add to your knowledge of motor transport as you peruse the exhibits and read the descriptors and boards that surround them but there are other educational packages available from the museum education department.