public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jabancroft with tags rss & html

11 September 2004 04:30

11 September 2004 03:15 feed HTML generator

by 2 others
generate an HTML snippet to include a feed on your site

jabancroft's TAGS related to tag rss

amazon +   atom +   audio +   bittorrent +   blog +   bloglines +   blogs + +   development +   enclosures +   exchange +   feed +   google +   groups +   html +   hurricane +   internet +   ipod +   javascript +   music +   news +   newsgroup +   nntp +   pda +   pocketpc +   podcasting +   politics +   price +   search +   server +   smartmobs +   smartphone +   social +   software +   syndication +   tivo +   tracking +   tv +   usenet +   weather +   web +   xml +