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PUBLIC MARKS from jambe with tags article & webdesign

January 2007

A List Apart: Articles: How to Grok Web Standards

by 1 other
The word “grok” comes from Robert A. Heinlein’s Zen-hippie science fiction opus Stranger in a Strange Land. It’s a verb from the Martian language that means something along the lines of “to understand completely.” To grok something is to achie

November 2006

April 2006

jambe's TAGS related to tag article

alexa +   amazon +   audio +   blog +   book +   bookmarks +   browsing +   business +   canon +   communication +   courses +   covers +   creativity +   cs +   css +   design +   development +   essay +   faceted +   fun +   geek +   google +   gtd +   howto +   html +   ideas +   image +   images +   interview +   language +   lens +   lifehack +   lifehacks +   network +   PaulGraham +   people +   photography +   programming +   quotes +   read +   realestate +   rsync +   search +   SearchEngine +   seo +   server +   simplelife +   software +   sysadmin +   technology +   thinking +   tips +   toBlog +   toread +   towatch +   video +   web +   web2.0 +   webcast +   webdesign +   wiki +   work +   writing +   yahoo +