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PUBLIC MARKS from jambe with tags design & css

January 2007

A List Apart: Articles: How to Grok Web Standards

by 1 other
The word “grok” comes from Robert A. Heinlein’s Zen-hippie science fiction opus Stranger in a Strange Land. It’s a verb from the Martian language that means something along the lines of “to understand completely.” To grok something is to achie

November 2006

March 2006

Chapter 4 The amazing em unit and other best practices

Why we should use the 'em' unit instead of px in css

jambe's TAGS related to tag design

architecture +   article +   articles +   cool +   creativity +   css +   geek +   homepage +   howto +   html +   ideas +   image +   interview +   PaulGraham +   reference +   stats +   tools +   toread +   web +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   writing +