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PUBLIC MARKS from jasonbentley with tags personal_sites & photoblog

05 January 2006 20:45

the random adventures of a bitchy mexican in new england

Roman Roman is a Mexican-born nursing student in Boston that I met in Cupertino when he lived here in California. He takes beautiful pictures, too.

jasonbentley's TAGS related to tag personal_sites

blog +   blogs +   boston +   buddies +   camera +   cameras +   contacts +   friends +   guitar +   homepages +   irc +   kevin_cantrell +   liberal +   Livejournal +   massachussetts +   music +   myspace +   new_york +   new_york_city +   omphaloskepsis +   orin +   photo +   photoblog +   photographs +   photography +   photos +   photoshop +   pictures +   politics +   rock +   roman_roman +   weblog +