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PUBLIC MARKS from kromakirk with tags report & Debbie

22 October 2006 22:15

Borrowers May Be Treated Differently Based On Their Race | Inside Real Estate Info

A report asserting that minority applicants with the same credit histories as whites pay more for mortgages has touched off a furious debate about discrimination "It may be that borrowers going in to the same lender are treated different based on the

Borrowers May Be Treated Differently Based On Their Race | Inside Real Estate Info

A report asserting that minority applicants with the same credit histories as whites pay more for mortgages has touched off a furious debate about discrimination "It may be that borrowers going in to the same lender are treated different based on the

Borrowers May Be Treated Differently Based On Their Race | Inside Real Estate Info

A report asserting that minority applicants with the same credit histories as whites pay more for mortgages has touched off a furious debate about discrimination "It may be that borrowers going in to the same lender are treated different based on the

kromakirk's TAGS related to tag report

asserting +   borrowers +   Debbie +   differently +   furious +   mortgage +   race +   touched +   treated +