Ask.com Goes Back To 1996 With New Release
"Ask.com has released version 11 of their new search engine today. The new version somewhat goes back to the Ask Jeeves approach, focusing on providing structured search results, mostly in the form of answers."
TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » Askが人員削減、女性の検索ユーザに焦点
"実際にAskが切るのは40人で、全従業員の約8%だ。新任CEOのJim Safkaは、Jim Lanzoneの後を受け、これも同ブランドを30代後半以上の女性に焦点を合わせる。この年代はすでにAskユーザ中の不均衡なほどの割合(65%)を占めている。"
TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » AskがTeomaからグーグルに乗り換え100人解雇する、という噂
Ask.com Adds More Sponsored Ads, Pushing Organic Results Below Fold
"I noticed that Ask.com is now displaying five sponsored results for many keyword searches. The organic results are now below the fold, like they once were before dropping Jeeves."
Ask.com Binoculars Adds Compete.com Stats
"Now, instead of just getting a site preview, you also get estimated visitor stats, site rank, a line chart to plot this data over time and a link to a more detailed report over at Compete.com."
Jim Safka To Replace Jim Lanzone As CEO Of Ask.com
"This is a personal disappointment to me, way more than when Jeeves left Ask."
TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » 数字で見る2007年:今年のAskはちょっと変った
The Ask.com Blog: The Year in Ask: 2007
"Plenty of great stuff to look back on. What sort of stuff, you might ask?"
Search in Pictures: Google, Ask.com & Yahoo Holiday Parties, Yahoo JetBlue Plane, Google Security Scooter
"here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more."
IAC To Split Up, Extends Google Ad Deal Worth $3.5 Billion
"Today is a big day for IAC, Ask.com's parent company. First they announce they are breaking the company into four publicly traded entities, and then they announce they have extended their search ad deal with Google."
4大検索エンジンのアルゴリズムの違いでわかってきたこと | Web担当者Forum
Goodbye Teoma Algorithm, Hello Edison, Says Ask.com
Edison is the code name behind merging of Ask.com's two different search technologies they own, Teoma and Direct Hit.
Ask's Guerrilla Marketing Campaign Against Google
Ask.com appears to be running a guerrilla marketing campaign in the UK designed to seem like a grassroots effort against a Google monopoly in search.
Google Pen サービス復旧、って?‐SEM酒場
突如インク切れを起こしたGoogle のペンをサービス停止に例えたAsk.com の「February 2, 2007: Google Pen Runs Out.」というエントリー(秀逸!)に反応して、Google から代替のペンが送られてきたのだという
Google Ink Sends Ask.com New Google Pen
First Ask.com had some fun with Google earlier this month, joking about how their Google pen "flatlined" and ran out of ink during a crucial meeting. Now Google gets in on the joke in good spirit, sending Ask a new pen along with a letter discussing the Google Pen's "redundant" architecture.
The Ask.com Blog: You Do and/or May, In Fact, "Ask" (or "ask")
(via)As our colleagues at Google work to protect their brand from becoming a generic term for Web search, we're receiving lots of mail and calls asking us to clarify the difference between "ask" and "Ask" (as in "Ask.com®")
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