public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags "Hair Loss" & people

November 2009

American Diet Causes Hair Loss

American diet does not only ruin health and make people fat, the meals high in fat, animal protein, and salt lead to hair loss. Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods explains that American diet brings damage to kidneys and changes acidity of blood.

Natural Cures for Hair Loss

Depending on the time and place a person lives in, natural remedies are different. For centuries people were trying to figure out what works on hair in the best way bringing it health and preventing hair loss.

July 2009

Types of Medication That you Can Use to Prevent or Treat Hai

Even though hair loss isnt a life threatening problem, many people who are suffering the said condition can t help but get excited when a new hair loss medication is released on the market.

June 2009

Hair Loss Statistics

Hair loss affects many people in the world. Some feel uncomfortable about losing hair, the others understand that it is common and do not try to hide it. Hair loss affects both men and women of all ages.