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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags bravenet & get

December 2008

How To Remove Acne Without Harming Your Skin?

Acne is a very annoying problem and people all over the world spend more than millions in the hope to get clean and clear skin free from acne. Every day new acne treatment options are introduced and it becomes very difficult to decide which one will work well for you. There are lots of advertisements around about the acne products and treatments

October 2008

Does Green Tea Lower Heart Disease Risk?

All right, this green tea article has been hanging over my head for too long. I just couldn t get motivated to wade through all the research to determine if yes, this is an effective way to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease, or no, it s just a lot of hype.

kzoo's TAGS related to tag bravenet

about +   acne +   all +   are +   be +   best +   blog +   blood +   by +   can +   cleanse +   colon +   cure +   cures +   diet +   get +   health +   heart +   help +   how +   impotence +   is +   issues +   men +   migraine +   most +   natural +   new +   not +   of +   one +   online +   only +   people +   pressure +   products +   quit +   s +   safe +   search +   smoking +   that +   treatment +   ways +   what +   why +   will +   with +   you +   your +