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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags oil & is

May 2009

The Best Oil For Your Vehicle

Being concerned about the vehicles health, many owners might wonder what kind of oil is the best for their specific model. There are many oil brands and each one has its unique characteristics, but the owner will never make a mistake if he or she uses the oil required by the owners manual.

July 2008

Jojoba Oil - Benefits of Jojoba Oil for Hair Loss

Jojoba Oil is fast emerging as a mystical elixir of life for hair and the fight against hair loss. Though it is not the quot;be all and end all quot; as far as the perfect solution for hair problems is concerned, it is an excellent hair treatment for dry hair and a natural hair conditioner acting similar to and having the properties of sebaceous oil (sebum).

June 2008

Weight-Loss Miracles of Coconut Oil

Recently, coconut oil has made a triumphant comeback to the market of American health foods. Erroneously bashed before as “artery-clogging” and “fattening” (largely due to a successful lobbying of its biggest domestic competitor - the rich and powerful vegetable oil industry), now coconut oil is proven beneficial for the health of the heart, arteries, thyroid gland, and the gastrointestinal tract.

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