public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags store & iphone

November 2009

Top 5 iPhone Apps for Productivity

Apples App Store downloads surpassed 2 billion in just over a year, at an astonishing rate of 6.6 million downloads per day. With more than 85,000 apps available, iPhone and iPod users are at no loss for options. The iPhone can be as useful as you need it to be, and the potential that it has is amplified even more with the right apps.

March 2009

Top 10 Useless Apps in the Apple App Store - Apps For Just A

One of the more entertaining aspects of owning an iPhone is the plethora of apps that are available for your use and enjoyment. Some of them are really helpful, informative, or at least interesting: weather updates, celeb gossip, directions, movie times, etc.

July 2008

iPhone 3G Line Forms in NYC

A ten person line has been spotted outside Apple s Fifth Avenue retail store as of this Friday afternoon. As ample supply is expected, it seems unnecessary to be waiting a full week outside the store.

kzoo's TAGS related to tag store

3g +   5 +   acompliex +   action +   albums +   amp +   anatrim +   app +   apple +   apps +   are +   available +   ayurslim +   basic +   be +   best +   but +   buy +   camera +   can +   cell +   cingular +   crestor +   diet +   download +   ephedraxin +   feverfew +   forms +   france +   gadgets +   gps +   handheld +   help +   herbal +   hydroxycut +   in dash +   installed +   internet +   iphone +   ipod +   is +   just +   KRZR +   laptops +   line +   link +   listing +   lose +   loss +   Metabo +   mobile +   most +   movie +   mp3 +   multi +   music +   navigation +   now +   nutridrine +   nyc +   of +   online +   order +   page +   patch +   pdas +   people +   per +   phone +   phones +   photo +   pills +   plenty +   premium +   products +   s +   samsung +   search +   searchsight com +   special +   superloss +   supplements +   than +   that +   them +   top +   type +   ultramax +   useless +   vehicle +   view +   weight +   what +   with +   yerba +   you +   zimulti +   zocor +   zyban +   « +